Maureen Coleman 6/30/2010 10:16 AM >>>
This bill passed both houses yesterday
A5956 Magee Same as S 2622 VALESKY
Amd S11-1105, En Con L
Provides that traps shall bear the name and residence address or the assigned identification number of the trapper.
2009-2010 Regular Sessions
February 23, 2009
Introduced by M. of A. MAGEE -- read once and referred to the Committee
on Environmental Conservation
AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to the
placement of additional information on traps
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 11-1105 of the environmental
2 conservation law, as amended by chapter 911 of the laws of 1990, is
3 amended to read as follows:
4 1. Traps set for taking wildlife shall bear the name and residence
5 address or the assigned identification number of the operator legibly at
6 all times, provided, that state, county and municipal law enforcement
7 agencies shall have access to the name, address and telephone number of
8 such operator who was assigned such identification number. They shall
9 be visited once in each twenty-four hours, except in the Northern Zone
10 where they shall be visited once in each forty-eight hours or a shorter
11 interval of no less than twenty-four hours as the department may, by
12 regulation, require, and all wildlife held captive shall immediately be
13 removed from the traps.
14 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[ ] is old law to be omitted.
Opinion's are free~MuzzleLoaders, Ammo,Longarms & Reloading supplies are for sale. 35+ year FFL Veteran Owned Transfers's
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Coyotes vs Deer and hunters
Trapping: Study suggests coyotes not adding to deer decline
By John Hayes
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Since long before Wile E. Coyote met his match with the The Road Runner, the coyote has been misunderstood.Disproportionately blamed for livestock losses and falsely accused of including children in its diet, the coyote was hunted for bounty and slaughtered. In Pennsylvania, some conspiracy theorists still wrongly speculate the coyote was stocked to control the whitetail deer population, while others naively proclaim the resilient canine too smart for hunters and trappers.
Despite liberal hunting and trapping regulations designed to encourage harvest, coyote numbers have exploded in Pennsylvania in recent years, leading some to suggest that coyotes have contributed in a big way to the state's diminished deer herds.But the resurfacing of an eight-year-old fawn-mortality study conducted by Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences challenges that notion.Duane Diefenbach, adjunct professor of wildlife ecology and leader of the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, said there's no doubt Eastern coyotes prey on fawns.
But their impact on deer is about the same as in other states, he said, and the proof lies in hunter harvest statistics gathered in the years since the study was completed.The 2002 report found the first-year fawn survival rate was about 25 percent in forests and 52 percent in agricultural landscapes -- about the same as in other states. The fawn component of hunters' antlerless deer harvest was about 40 percent, a figure which has remained generally steady since 2002, the year Pennsylvania Game Commission introduced antler restrictions as part of a plan to reduce the deer population."If coyotes were causing a [fawn mortality] problem that's worse than it was eight years ago, you'd see reductions in fawns at harvest. There would be fewer fawns for hunters to harvest," Diefenbach said. "We haven't seen any change [in the fawn harvest] whatsoever."Diefenbach, who has participated in Game Commission deer studies, said there's no evidence that the increased coyote population has led to increases in fawn mortality.
"There are other factors going on. Not all sources of mortality are necessarily additive," he said. "Maybe the coyotes are getting more [fawns], but the bears don't get as many."That makes sense to Mark Zagger, a successful New York coyote trapper who will host demonstrations at this week's Pennsylvania Trappers Association Convention.
The symbiotic relationship that routinely develops between predator and prey species could explain why coyote numbers are up, the deer population is down, but the hunter fawn harvest has held steady."I'm not familiar with that study, but I agree with the findings based on what I observe in the field," said the veteran trapper, credited with catching more than 100 coyotes a year.Zagger said preliminary findings of an ongoing radio telemetry study at the State University of New York, in which he's involved, show that as the deer population rises the adaptive coyote is taking more road-killed carrion, not necessarily more fresh fawn takeout dinners.
"The coyote gets blamed for everything, " he said. "It's a convenient scapegoat, the ultimate survivor. But people who think coyotes are smarter than people are wrong. The secret to trapping them is that traps and miles catch coyotes.
Don't set six traps, set 60. Don't trap on one farm, trap on 10 farms."
By John Hayes
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Since long before Wile E. Coyote met his match with the The Road Runner, the coyote has been misunderstood.Disproportionately blamed for livestock losses and falsely accused of including children in its diet, the coyote was hunted for bounty and slaughtered. In Pennsylvania, some conspiracy theorists still wrongly speculate the coyote was stocked to control the whitetail deer population, while others naively proclaim the resilient canine too smart for hunters and trappers.
Despite liberal hunting and trapping regulations designed to encourage harvest, coyote numbers have exploded in Pennsylvania in recent years, leading some to suggest that coyotes have contributed in a big way to the state's diminished deer herds.But the resurfacing of an eight-year-old fawn-mortality study conducted by Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences challenges that notion.Duane Diefenbach, adjunct professor of wildlife ecology and leader of the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, said there's no doubt Eastern coyotes prey on fawns.
But their impact on deer is about the same as in other states, he said, and the proof lies in hunter harvest statistics gathered in the years since the study was completed.The 2002 report found the first-year fawn survival rate was about 25 percent in forests and 52 percent in agricultural landscapes -- about the same as in other states. The fawn component of hunters' antlerless deer harvest was about 40 percent, a figure which has remained generally steady since 2002, the year Pennsylvania Game Commission introduced antler restrictions as part of a plan to reduce the deer population."If coyotes were causing a [fawn mortality] problem that's worse than it was eight years ago, you'd see reductions in fawns at harvest. There would be fewer fawns for hunters to harvest," Diefenbach said. "We haven't seen any change [in the fawn harvest] whatsoever."Diefenbach, who has participated in Game Commission deer studies, said there's no evidence that the increased coyote population has led to increases in fawn mortality.
"There are other factors going on. Not all sources of mortality are necessarily additive," he said. "Maybe the coyotes are getting more [fawns], but the bears don't get as many."That makes sense to Mark Zagger, a successful New York coyote trapper who will host demonstrations at this week's Pennsylvania Trappers Association Convention.
The symbiotic relationship that routinely develops between predator and prey species could explain why coyote numbers are up, the deer population is down, but the hunter fawn harvest has held steady."I'm not familiar with that study, but I agree with the findings based on what I observe in the field," said the veteran trapper, credited with catching more than 100 coyotes a year.Zagger said preliminary findings of an ongoing radio telemetry study at the State University of New York, in which he's involved, show that as the deer population rises the adaptive coyote is taking more road-killed carrion, not necessarily more fresh fawn takeout dinners.
"The coyote gets blamed for everything, " he said. "It's a convenient scapegoat, the ultimate survivor. But people who think coyotes are smarter than people are wrong. The secret to trapping them is that traps and miles catch coyotes.
Don't set six traps, set 60. Don't trap on one farm, trap on 10 farms."
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
New Mailing Rules for Tobacco
New Mailing Rules for Tobacco Products Set for SummerChanges to law restrict mailing of tobacco products
WASHINGTON — To comply with legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products will be subject to new mailing regulations effective June 29, 2010. The law, Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act, Public Law No. 111-154, was signed into law March 31.
With only a few limited exceptions, the Postal Service will no longer be allowed to accept or transport packages containing cigarettes or smokeless tobacco products. The general mailability ban will extend to cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and smokeless tobacco. The prohibition does not include cigars.
Shipments entirely within Alaska and Hawaii will continue, subject to certain labeling and acceptance requirements.
The law does permit infrequent lightweight shipments by age-verified adults to recipients who are at least the age of majority for purchase of tobacco. Shipments between businesses in the tobacco industry will also be permitted, as well as cigarettes sent to consumers age 21 and above for testing or public health purposes.
Most shipments will require photo identification and age verification consistent with the minimum age requirements in the locality of destination.
With the exception of shipments entirely within Alaska and Hawaii, shipments are permitted only via Express Mail and, with the exception of shipments from the United States to APO/FPO/DPO destinations, will be delivered using “hold for pickup” service at the destination Post Office.
Click here to see comprehensive details of the new regulations which can be found in the June 17, 2010 Postal Bulletin.
# # #
Please Note: For broadcast quality video and audio, photo stills and other media resources, visit the USPS Newsroom at
WASHINGTON — To comply with legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products will be subject to new mailing regulations effective June 29, 2010. The law, Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act, Public Law No. 111-154, was signed into law March 31.
With only a few limited exceptions, the Postal Service will no longer be allowed to accept or transport packages containing cigarettes or smokeless tobacco products. The general mailability ban will extend to cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and smokeless tobacco. The prohibition does not include cigars.
Shipments entirely within Alaska and Hawaii will continue, subject to certain labeling and acceptance requirements.
The law does permit infrequent lightweight shipments by age-verified adults to recipients who are at least the age of majority for purchase of tobacco. Shipments between businesses in the tobacco industry will also be permitted, as well as cigarettes sent to consumers age 21 and above for testing or public health purposes.
Most shipments will require photo identification and age verification consistent with the minimum age requirements in the locality of destination.
With the exception of shipments entirely within Alaska and Hawaii, shipments are permitted only via Express Mail and, with the exception of shipments from the United States to APO/FPO/DPO destinations, will be delivered using “hold for pickup” service at the destination Post Office.
Click here to see comprehensive details of the new regulations which can be found in the June 17, 2010 Postal Bulletin.
# # #
Please Note: For broadcast quality video and audio, photo stills and other media resources, visit the USPS Newsroom at
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Senator Mike Nozzolio on S.6005
Last week, the New York State Senate began debate on S.6005, legislation that would require semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in New York State to be capable of microstamping ammunition. Over the course of the last few weeks, I received thousands of letters, calls and emails from constituents, like yourself, who are outraged with this ridiculous and irresponsible proposal. The New York City Senators who are pushing this bill say its purpose is to control guns and reduce crime.
Their arguments for this legislation are off base and not based on accurate information. Not only does the process of microstamping ammunition rely on unproven technology that will undoubtedly waste even more taxpayer dollars -- it is also ineffective at identifying criminals! The very shallow markings on microstamped bullets can be easily removed through the use of common household tools! When this measure came before the full State Senate for debate and vote, I cast my vote against this disastrous bill.
When it became obvious that the measure was going to fail, Senator Eric Schneiderman, the sponsor of the bill asked to have it withdrawn and no further action was taken. Following the vote, Senator Eric Schneiderman, a New York City Democrat and sponsor of S.6005 stated, “I think the public outrage over essentially voting to protect gun criminals- shooters and murders- because of some mythical harm that might be done to legitimate gun owners is just not flying.”
These remarks make it clear that Senator Schneiderman and his fellow New York City Democrats who control the State Senate are completely out of touch when it comes to understanding the significant concerns that Upstate New Yorkers, like yourself, have with S.6005. Unfortunately, the New York City Democrats are determined to bring it up again and to push for its adoption by the New York State Senate. S. 6005 will not reduce crime.
It will, however, create another burdensome expense for every law-abiding gun owner in New York State. This legislation is just another step by the New York City legislators who control the State Senate in their never-ending assault on our Second Amendment rights. Please be assured that I will continue to stand with you in strong opposition to this legislation and will strongly oppose it if it is brought back before the State Senate.
Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Your concerns and interests are of utmost importance to me and I ask that you never hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance with this or any matter.
With best wishes.
Senator Mike Nozzolio
Seneca Falls: 119 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148
(315) 568-9816
FAX: (315) 568-2090
Albany: Room 413,
Legislative Office Building,
Albany, NY 12247
(518) 455-2366 FAX: (518) 426-6953 Toll Free # 1-888-568-9816
Their arguments for this legislation are off base and not based on accurate information. Not only does the process of microstamping ammunition rely on unproven technology that will undoubtedly waste even more taxpayer dollars -- it is also ineffective at identifying criminals! The very shallow markings on microstamped bullets can be easily removed through the use of common household tools! When this measure came before the full State Senate for debate and vote, I cast my vote against this disastrous bill.
When it became obvious that the measure was going to fail, Senator Eric Schneiderman, the sponsor of the bill asked to have it withdrawn and no further action was taken. Following the vote, Senator Eric Schneiderman, a New York City Democrat and sponsor of S.6005 stated, “I think the public outrage over essentially voting to protect gun criminals- shooters and murders- because of some mythical harm that might be done to legitimate gun owners is just not flying.”
These remarks make it clear that Senator Schneiderman and his fellow New York City Democrats who control the State Senate are completely out of touch when it comes to understanding the significant concerns that Upstate New Yorkers, like yourself, have with S.6005. Unfortunately, the New York City Democrats are determined to bring it up again and to push for its adoption by the New York State Senate. S. 6005 will not reduce crime.
It will, however, create another burdensome expense for every law-abiding gun owner in New York State. This legislation is just another step by the New York City legislators who control the State Senate in their never-ending assault on our Second Amendment rights. Please be assured that I will continue to stand with you in strong opposition to this legislation and will strongly oppose it if it is brought back before the State Senate.
Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Your concerns and interests are of utmost importance to me and I ask that you never hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance with this or any matter.
With best wishes.
Senator Mike Nozzolio
Seneca Falls: 119 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148
(315) 568-9816
FAX: (315) 568-2090
Albany: Room 413,
Legislative Office Building,
Albany, NY 12247
(518) 455-2366 FAX: (518) 426-6953 Toll Free # 1-888-568-9816
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Cuomo & Schneidermen
“Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country’s current crisis. He took actions that—in combination with many other factors—helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments.
I'm not saying the other guy who is running is any better he supports firearms micro-stamping.
Every New York NRA & firearms owner member needs to contact Senator Schneiderman, who in addition to being the sponsor of S 6005, is a candidate for Attorney General of the State of New York. Please politely let him know that if he and his leadership allow a "do-over" on the micro-stamping vote that he should not be trusted as the state's top advocate for your rights.
State Senator Eric Schneiderman can be reached at 518-455-2041 and
Also be sure to contact your State Senator immediately at 518-455-2800 to urge them to continue to oppose S 6005! To identify your State Senator, please click here or here.
I'm not saying the other guy who is running is any better he supports firearms micro-stamping.
Every New York NRA & firearms owner member needs to contact Senator Schneiderman, who in addition to being the sponsor of S 6005, is a candidate for Attorney General of the State of New York. Please politely let him know that if he and his leadership allow a "do-over" on the micro-stamping vote that he should not be trusted as the state's top advocate for your rights.
State Senator Eric Schneiderman can be reached at 518-455-2041 and
Also be sure to contact your State Senator immediately at 518-455-2800 to urge them to continue to oppose S 6005! To identify your State Senator, please click here or here.
Empire Farm days August 10-12
The Region 8, Fish and Wildlife Management Board will be participating in this year's Empire Farm Days event in Seneca Falls.
The event will be held August 10 through 12, 2010, from 8-5 on Tuesday, 9-5 on Wednesday and 9-4 on Thursday.
Gary Evans will be coordinating this effort and is seeking volunteers to work the station. In the past, we have used two shifts per day. If you are able to volunteer for this year's event please contact Gary at 585-657-7186.
You can also e-mail me if you are available and I'll pass the information along to Gary. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Gary or me.
Thank You
Randy Randall C. Nemecek
Regional Supervisor of Natural Resources
Region 8, Avon6274 E. Avon-Lima Road
Avon, New York 14414
585-226-6323 (fax)
The event will be held August 10 through 12, 2010, from 8-5 on Tuesday, 9-5 on Wednesday and 9-4 on Thursday.
Gary Evans will be coordinating this effort and is seeking volunteers to work the station. In the past, we have used two shifts per day. If you are able to volunteer for this year's event please contact Gary at 585-657-7186.
You can also e-mail me if you are available and I'll pass the information along to Gary. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Gary or me.
Thank You
Randy Randall C. Nemecek
Regional Supervisor of Natural Resources
Region 8, Avon6274 E. Avon-Lima Road
Avon, New York 14414
585-226-6323 (fax)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Another useless gun bill passed by the liberal Assembly
June 10, 2010
Another useless gun bill passed by the liberal Assembly
By Bob McNitt
I’m not sure who first said “We’ve got primarily idiots running our state,” but it seems with each passing year, that proves to be increasingly true. They can’t pass a budget, close parks to the public on one of the most popular tourism holidays of the year. But the latest bit of idiocy just passed through the Assembly and is now in the Senate Codes Committee. The bill, S06005A, requires that all semiautomatic pistols sold in New York State must have their firing pins microstamped with an identifying number which would theoretically imprint on any bullet casing fired (and ejected) from that gun.
The push to have firearms, specially semiauto pistols, microstamped has been around a long time, but the reasons it’s never caught on is rather simple to understand—unless apparently you’re an anti-gun liberal politician in the New York legislature—it doesn’t do anything to deter crime nor identify criminals using pistols. What it would accomplish, if passed, is to drive the price of pistols so high precious few law-abiding NYS citizens could afford them. It would also drive many legitimate licensed FFL dealers out of business and probably also deter firearms manufacturers from doing business with New York State, period.
The reasons this lunacy of legislative monstrosity makes no sense could fill far more space than this column has room for, but here’s a few. First is that the microstamp on the firing pin can be easily removed in minutes by using a small file or emery board, or replacing it with an un-stamped firing pin. Even those unaltered ones only identify the initial owner and not the current user should the gun be stolen. Since no states bordering New York have this law, law-abiding citizens could simply purchase their pistols in another state. Last but not least, the criminal element might also easily side-step it all by switching to revolvers (which don’t eject the casings after being fired), sawed off shotguns, or rifles.
COBIS, introduced by Gov. Pataki in 2000, is a program to collect identifying data from the shell casings of all new handguns sold in the state. This information is then entered into a database for use by law enforcement to aid in identifying and prosecuting criminals. Since its inception, over a quarter of a million shell cases have been collected and entered into the database at an estimated cost of $32 million and not a single arrest or conviction has resulted. In fact, COBIS has proven to be such a failure that no other state is even considering implementing their own version of it.
I tend to be overly confused when elected officials start preaching and pushing new gun laws, especially when all the ones already in place do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of the criminal element. Currently we have almost a hundred gun laws already in force in New York. New York, along with New Jersey, Massachusetts, California and Washington DC, has the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. So what state is ranked the lowest for violent crime? Why North Dakota, which has only a dozen or so gun laws on the books. “Feel good” gun legislation is almost always the result of political demographics – the more urban centers in a state, the higher the crime rates and more politicians seeking voter support via more gun laws. The states with more rural demographics have the lesser need for more gun laws and restrictions.
I think the confusion stems from the bulk of our current legislative power lying at the extreme end of the Hudson River – about as urban as you can get in the state. However, the majority of the remaining New York is predominately rural in its nature and demographics. Many of us hunt, shoot targets, and see a gun as just another tool. We certainly don’t worry as much as urbanites do about being shot by some thug, druggie or gang member. And even if our crime rate were to begin edging up, those of us licensed to carry a handgun might do so as a deterrent to us or our family becoming a victim. Ironic that in states and areas where concealed carry is legal, crime rates goes down – often quite dramatically.
Some may find amusement over law-abiding gun owners’ (especially hunters) concerns regarding ever-increasing and more restrictive gun laws, but a look back at the history of this phenomenon, here and elsewhere, reveals an alarming potential conclusion. Despite having no positive impact on violent criminal use, the eventuality may easily be removal of all firearms from our citizens. Sound farfetched? So do a little history review on places that have followed similar patterns that we have seen here.
Now, here’s a zany thought – picture how the DEC would manage wildlife without hunters capable of using firearms. Obviously bowhunting or spear throwing couldn’t possibly keep pace with expanding deer, bear, coyote and geese populations. And if gun restrictions wound up causing purchase prices of guns, ammo and licenses to reach such a level only the more wealthy could afford them, would that make everyone happier and feel safer? Or would the criminal elements, by definition, simply ignore the expanded laws and acquire their guns and ammo from the black market suppliers?
Try as it may, our Albany legislators just continue to abide by the mistaken notion that passing more and more restrictive laws is the best solution to solving any criminal problem and garnering them more votes come election time. In reality, all they’re accomplishing is strapping more restrictions and costs to the honest citizens they’re sworn to serve and protect. Maybe we should suggest microstamping some of our elected officials’ really stupid legislation for referencing come election time.
Another useless gun bill passed by the liberal Assembly
By Bob McNitt
I’m not sure who first said “We’ve got primarily idiots running our state,” but it seems with each passing year, that proves to be increasingly true. They can’t pass a budget, close parks to the public on one of the most popular tourism holidays of the year. But the latest bit of idiocy just passed through the Assembly and is now in the Senate Codes Committee. The bill, S06005A, requires that all semiautomatic pistols sold in New York State must have their firing pins microstamped with an identifying number which would theoretically imprint on any bullet casing fired (and ejected) from that gun.
The push to have firearms, specially semiauto pistols, microstamped has been around a long time, but the reasons it’s never caught on is rather simple to understand—unless apparently you’re an anti-gun liberal politician in the New York legislature—it doesn’t do anything to deter crime nor identify criminals using pistols. What it would accomplish, if passed, is to drive the price of pistols so high precious few law-abiding NYS citizens could afford them. It would also drive many legitimate licensed FFL dealers out of business and probably also deter firearms manufacturers from doing business with New York State, period.
The reasons this lunacy of legislative monstrosity makes no sense could fill far more space than this column has room for, but here’s a few. First is that the microstamp on the firing pin can be easily removed in minutes by using a small file or emery board, or replacing it with an un-stamped firing pin. Even those unaltered ones only identify the initial owner and not the current user should the gun be stolen. Since no states bordering New York have this law, law-abiding citizens could simply purchase their pistols in another state. Last but not least, the criminal element might also easily side-step it all by switching to revolvers (which don’t eject the casings after being fired), sawed off shotguns, or rifles.
COBIS, introduced by Gov. Pataki in 2000, is a program to collect identifying data from the shell casings of all new handguns sold in the state. This information is then entered into a database for use by law enforcement to aid in identifying and prosecuting criminals. Since its inception, over a quarter of a million shell cases have been collected and entered into the database at an estimated cost of $32 million and not a single arrest or conviction has resulted. In fact, COBIS has proven to be such a failure that no other state is even considering implementing their own version of it.
I tend to be overly confused when elected officials start preaching and pushing new gun laws, especially when all the ones already in place do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of the criminal element. Currently we have almost a hundred gun laws already in force in New York. New York, along with New Jersey, Massachusetts, California and Washington DC, has the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. So what state is ranked the lowest for violent crime? Why North Dakota, which has only a dozen or so gun laws on the books. “Feel good” gun legislation is almost always the result of political demographics – the more urban centers in a state, the higher the crime rates and more politicians seeking voter support via more gun laws. The states with more rural demographics have the lesser need for more gun laws and restrictions.
I think the confusion stems from the bulk of our current legislative power lying at the extreme end of the Hudson River – about as urban as you can get in the state. However, the majority of the remaining New York is predominately rural in its nature and demographics. Many of us hunt, shoot targets, and see a gun as just another tool. We certainly don’t worry as much as urbanites do about being shot by some thug, druggie or gang member. And even if our crime rate were to begin edging up, those of us licensed to carry a handgun might do so as a deterrent to us or our family becoming a victim. Ironic that in states and areas where concealed carry is legal, crime rates goes down – often quite dramatically.
Some may find amusement over law-abiding gun owners’ (especially hunters) concerns regarding ever-increasing and more restrictive gun laws, but a look back at the history of this phenomenon, here and elsewhere, reveals an alarming potential conclusion. Despite having no positive impact on violent criminal use, the eventuality may easily be removal of all firearms from our citizens. Sound farfetched? So do a little history review on places that have followed similar patterns that we have seen here.
Now, here’s a zany thought – picture how the DEC would manage wildlife without hunters capable of using firearms. Obviously bowhunting or spear throwing couldn’t possibly keep pace with expanding deer, bear, coyote and geese populations. And if gun restrictions wound up causing purchase prices of guns, ammo and licenses to reach such a level only the more wealthy could afford them, would that make everyone happier and feel safer? Or would the criminal elements, by definition, simply ignore the expanded laws and acquire their guns and ammo from the black market suppliers?
Try as it may, our Albany legislators just continue to abide by the mistaken notion that passing more and more restrictive laws is the best solution to solving any criminal problem and garnering them more votes come election time. In reality, all they’re accomplishing is strapping more restrictions and costs to the honest citizens they’re sworn to serve and protect. Maybe we should suggest microstamping some of our elected officials’ really stupid legislation for referencing come election time.
Albany so far off target they hit stupid
Look people it's the same hype used to promote and pass COBI$ into law a few years back. So far NY hasn't solved any crimes using that 32 million dollar black hole. But nooowwww we have another money pit to toss our tax dollars into. No budget so Albany will just spend it before it's in the bank. Hey, FYI this folks~ is all of New York's law enforcement going to give up their pistols? Ya know, all those semi-autos they own that are not Micro-stamp compliant as well.
From California 3 days ago part of an article about Albany~
“So what’s the problem with micro stamping?”—you might well ask. Consider this: If micro stamping were to become law, firearms manufacturers would be forced to employ a patented, sole-sourced technology that independent studies, including those from the National Academy of Sciences and the University of California at Davis, found to be flawed and easily defeated by criminals. (Have you heard of files? Apparently the state legislature hasn’t).
Next week’s article, New York Firearms manufacturing shut down moves to Georgia.
Bill Brookover
From California 3 days ago part of an article about Albany~
“So what’s the problem with micro stamping?”—you might well ask. Consider this: If micro stamping were to become law, firearms manufacturers would be forced to employ a patented, sole-sourced technology that independent studies, including those from the National Academy of Sciences and the University of California at Davis, found to be flawed and easily defeated by criminals. (Have you heard of files? Apparently the state legislature hasn’t).
Next week’s article, New York Firearms manufacturing shut down moves to Georgia.
Bill Brookover
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Micro-stamping in NY
Below is a list of Senators that belong to the NY Sportsman's Caucus.
These are the legislators that pledge to champion sportsman's rights in Albany.
This list includes their district, party affiliation and their email address. Phone numbers can be found at and then clicking contact next to the Senators name.Please write or call each of these Senators and ask them to vote against this bill and to honor their commitment to the Sportsmen's they Caucus for.
There are 27 Senator's listed.
You will see that 2 of them actually sponsored this bill.
They need to hear from every sportsmen and women of the state, especially those from their districts, that they need to vote no on behalf of the sportsmen. Remind them that "The National Fraternal Order of Police, the New York Fraternal Order of Police, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the National Research Council, and even the California Police Chiefs Association all support further independent testing of the technology."
Additional problems with microstamping include:
A person could remove the firing pin in less than one minute.
A person could file off the serializing mechanism with simple household tools.
Microstamping may increase gun thefts, home invasions and other burglaries, and expand the black market in guns.
Negative fiscal impact to both the state and local municipalities since they need to purchase equipment to read gear codes of microstamping and also exorbitant increase in cost of firearms for law enforcement.
Please do not sit idly by and allow them to vote on this without speaking up. The future of handgun ownership in NY is at stake.
Rick McDermott
491 Albion Cross Rd
Pulaski, NY 13142 298-2221 home(315) 882-1540 cell
Senate Sportsmen Caucus Members
Aubertine, Darrel (D)
Bonacic, John (R)
Breslin, Neil (D) Sponsor
DeFrancisco, John (R)
Farley, Hugh (R)
Foley, Brian (D)
Griffo, Joseph (R)
Johnson, Owen (R)
Larkin, William (R)
LaValle, Kenneth (R)
Leibell, Vincent (R)
Libous, Thomas (R)
Little, Elizabeth (R)
Marcellino, Carl (R)
Maziarz, George (R)
McDonald, Roy (R)
Nozzolio, Michael (R)
Razenhofer, Michael (R)
Robach, Joseph (R)
Saland, Stephen (R)
Savino, Diane (D) Sponsor
Seward, James (R)
Stachowski, William (D)
Valesky, David (D)
Volker, Dale (R)
Winner, George (R)
Young, Catharine (R)
These are the legislators that pledge to champion sportsman's rights in Albany.
This list includes their district, party affiliation and their email address. Phone numbers can be found at and then clicking contact next to the Senators name.Please write or call each of these Senators and ask them to vote against this bill and to honor their commitment to the Sportsmen's they Caucus for.
There are 27 Senator's listed.
You will see that 2 of them actually sponsored this bill.
They need to hear from every sportsmen and women of the state, especially those from their districts, that they need to vote no on behalf of the sportsmen. Remind them that "The National Fraternal Order of Police, the New York Fraternal Order of Police, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the National Research Council, and even the California Police Chiefs Association all support further independent testing of the technology."
Additional problems with microstamping include:
A person could remove the firing pin in less than one minute.
A person could file off the serializing mechanism with simple household tools.
Microstamping may increase gun thefts, home invasions and other burglaries, and expand the black market in guns.
Negative fiscal impact to both the state and local municipalities since they need to purchase equipment to read gear codes of microstamping and also exorbitant increase in cost of firearms for law enforcement.
Please do not sit idly by and allow them to vote on this without speaking up. The future of handgun ownership in NY is at stake.
Rick McDermott
491 Albion Cross Rd
Pulaski, NY 13142 298-2221 home(315) 882-1540 cell
Senate Sportsmen Caucus Members
Aubertine, Darrel (D)
Bonacic, John (R)
Breslin, Neil (D) Sponsor
DeFrancisco, John (R)
Farley, Hugh (R)
Foley, Brian (D)
Griffo, Joseph (R)
Johnson, Owen (R)
Larkin, William (R)
LaValle, Kenneth (R)
Leibell, Vincent (R)
Libous, Thomas (R)
Little, Elizabeth (R)
Marcellino, Carl (R)
Maziarz, George (R)
McDonald, Roy (R)
Nozzolio, Michael (R)
Razenhofer, Michael (R)
Robach, Joseph (R)
Saland, Stephen (R)
Savino, Diane (D) Sponsor
Seward, James (R)
Stachowski, William (D)
Valesky, David (D)
Volker, Dale (R)
Winner, George (R)
Young, Catharine (R)
SCOPE Wayne County Picnic

Here is a pic of Ann Marie Buerkle & myself at the Marion Legion Last night. Ann Marie is running against Congressman Dan "No Show" Maffei 25th district , NY.
He's been a Washington DC Congressman and keeps avoiding all NY functions he's invited to. Well, unless they are staged to avoid people asking him questions.
Maffei has voted 97% of the time with Pelosi.
Ann Marie has been a nurse for 38 years, raised 6 children and after they were gone she went back to school and achieved a law degree.
Buerkle for Congress
Good to meet Bill Nojay Radio host from Rochester too!!

North East Primitive Rendezvous Would be a good place for Ann Marie to stump at.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Tommie Bass/Cherokee County Alabama on junk mail and politicians
Tommie Bass/Cherokee County Alabama on junk mail and politicians
Most everybody gets something like that. And, course, this one here is from the Baptist Church at Centre, their bulletin. And this one here is a-wantin . . . this here is a politician they want me to send money to help me get along, you know, I get em from the Democrats and Republicans, regardless of who they are, and I even get letters from the Catholic priests wanting me to help em, you know, along.
Course this is one of them get rich letters here this make you a million dollars in just a few days, you know, send five people five dollars apiece and then when your name gets to the top, why you'll go a-getting the five dollars -- but don't try it buddy it won't work. Course this here one, here's another politican. I get em . . . when they's running here in our state from the Democrats, I'd average two or three letters a day, and then the same way about the Republicans, you know, it just didn't make no difference just so they can get some money.
(chuckles) But I didn't give em none.
I figured . . the fact of the business is a fellow running for office, a man or a woman, I'm like the little boy was about the peckerwood. Peckerwood pecked a hole in a hollow tree and he went over in there, and the little boy he drove a peg in behind it. Somebody said to him, “Son,” said, “you shouldn't of done the little bird that way.
” He said, “Well the son-of-a-gun pecked in, now let him peck out. And so I'm that way about a politician. If he wants to get into office, let him get in there (chuckles), but I ain't gonna try to help him. Course, if he's a good guy, I'd talk for him, but as far as paying him in there, I don't go along with that.
Most everybody gets something like that. And, course, this one here is from the Baptist Church at Centre, their bulletin. And this one here is a-wantin . . . this here is a politician they want me to send money to help me get along, you know, I get em from the Democrats and Republicans, regardless of who they are, and I even get letters from the Catholic priests wanting me to help em, you know, along.
Course this is one of them get rich letters here this make you a million dollars in just a few days, you know, send five people five dollars apiece and then when your name gets to the top, why you'll go a-getting the five dollars -- but don't try it buddy it won't work. Course this here one, here's another politican. I get em . . . when they's running here in our state from the Democrats, I'd average two or three letters a day, and then the same way about the Republicans, you know, it just didn't make no difference just so they can get some money.
(chuckles) But I didn't give em none.
I figured . . the fact of the business is a fellow running for office, a man or a woman, I'm like the little boy was about the peckerwood. Peckerwood pecked a hole in a hollow tree and he went over in there, and the little boy he drove a peg in behind it. Somebody said to him, “Son,” said, “you shouldn't of done the little bird that way.
” He said, “Well the son-of-a-gun pecked in, now let him peck out. And so I'm that way about a politician. If he wants to get into office, let him get in there (chuckles), but I ain't gonna try to help him. Course, if he's a good guy, I'd talk for him, but as far as paying him in there, I don't go along with that.
Youth Trapping Camp
Youth Trapping Camp
A Youth Trapping Camp is scheduled for over the Columbus Day weekend in western New York this fall. This first of its kind program for the northeast United States is sponsored by The New York State Trappers Association (NYSTA) in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) at DEC’s Camp Rushford in Alleghany County. The Youth Trapping Camp will be held October 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2010. Campers need to plan on arriving about supper time Friday night and stay until after lunch on Monday.
The NYSTA has designed this Youth Trapping Camp to extend and enhance the State’s current 8 hour long Trapper Education Class, which is required of all new trappers regardless of age. The program will allow for in-depth learning of the topics; history and ethics, types and correct uses of traps, disease and biology of management of fur bearers as well as the humane treatment of our naturally renewable resource.
The DEC will issue permits to set traps and possess fur bearers for processing so youth will have the full experience of trapping. There will be an experienced trapping mentor for every one or two youth to insure close hands-on lessons.
This Youth Trapping Camp will be for 12-15 year-olds only. They do not have to have their Trappers Education certificate before the camp as there will be the chance to get it through the scheduled weekend events.
NYSTA is excited about offering this learning opportunity to our young people at a time when there are so many other activities being offered youth of this age and drawing them away from learning about the out-of-doors. There is a fee of $40.00 per student to cover the cost of food and supplies. By State policy there is no charge for instruction for the Trappers Education Class given by NYS volunteer instructors. There is a limit of 25 youth for this camp. NYSTA is also asking for donations to help defray the costs of putting on the Youth Trapping Camp.
The camp will be staffed by NYSTA members with DEC assistance where their expertise is better used. A few other states have similar programs and report them to be wonderful experiences for the young trappers.
Applications for the Youth Trapping Camp and any other information can be obtained from
Pat Arnold at Phone number 315-644-4643
A Youth Trapping Camp is scheduled for over the Columbus Day weekend in western New York this fall. This first of its kind program for the northeast United States is sponsored by The New York State Trappers Association (NYSTA) in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) at DEC’s Camp Rushford in Alleghany County. The Youth Trapping Camp will be held October 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2010. Campers need to plan on arriving about supper time Friday night and stay until after lunch on Monday.
The NYSTA has designed this Youth Trapping Camp to extend and enhance the State’s current 8 hour long Trapper Education Class, which is required of all new trappers regardless of age. The program will allow for in-depth learning of the topics; history and ethics, types and correct uses of traps, disease and biology of management of fur bearers as well as the humane treatment of our naturally renewable resource.
The DEC will issue permits to set traps and possess fur bearers for processing so youth will have the full experience of trapping. There will be an experienced trapping mentor for every one or two youth to insure close hands-on lessons.
This Youth Trapping Camp will be for 12-15 year-olds only. They do not have to have their Trappers Education certificate before the camp as there will be the chance to get it through the scheduled weekend events.
NYSTA is excited about offering this learning opportunity to our young people at a time when there are so many other activities being offered youth of this age and drawing them away from learning about the out-of-doors. There is a fee of $40.00 per student to cover the cost of food and supplies. By State policy there is no charge for instruction for the Trappers Education Class given by NYS volunteer instructors. There is a limit of 25 youth for this camp. NYSTA is also asking for donations to help defray the costs of putting on the Youth Trapping Camp.
The camp will be staffed by NYSTA members with DEC assistance where their expertise is better used. A few other states have similar programs and report them to be wonderful experiences for the young trappers.
Applications for the Youth Trapping Camp and any other information can be obtained from
Pat Arnold at Phone number 315-644-4643
Thursday, June 3, 2010
MEC Press for sale
MEC Jr. press 20ga used needs cleanded up a little comes with bottles and bushings. $75.00
& 2 (two) grabbers in 12 ga $150.00 each
The 9000g sold Sunday Thanks Sam!!
Press have some light rust and dirt they need cleaned up but are well worth the money and effort.
A new Jr press is $175.00\
Grabber's go for $430.00
All prices are firm.
& 2 (two) grabbers in 12 ga $150.00 each
The 9000g sold Sunday Thanks Sam!!
Press have some light rust and dirt they need cleaned up but are well worth the money and effort.
A new Jr press is $175.00\
Grabber's go for $430.00
All prices are firm.
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