Monday, August 19, 2024

Lehigh Valley Lube Yellow Stuff in a Bottle More Magical Black Powder Juice.

Tall oil, also called "liquid rosin" or tallol, is a viscous yellow-black odorous liquid obtained as a by-product of the Kraft process of wood pulp manufacture when pulping mainly coniferous trees. The name originated as an anglicization of the Swedish "tallolja" ("pine oil").

 Since 1995


The Lehigh Valley Patch lubricant marketing claims that the stuff 'Cleans while you shoot' and that it is unnecessary to wipe between the shots, no independent of powder charge, rifling depth or weather conditions.

Ox-Yoke was selling LVL but it wasn't the same juice as the former is/was.

Now what has me a tad perplexed is I can not locate a MSDS sheet for this stuff.

SO we really don't know all the chemicals used in the lube. I have read various ramblings of this and that but nothing concrete.

 It is listed as a "green cleaner" listed in NYS Contract registry as Cleaners, Lubricants, Anti-Corrosion chemicals for all metals  High-Grade Soap based greases,
 Green Chemicals.

OK so it's a soap based grease. [soap has salt we see it listed as sodium chloride]

OK, lets use a cyber definition of a "soap based grease" I like cyber stuff as it keeps me from typing out of my old school books.

Tall oil is in the Oleic acid family [pine rosin] Some soap manufactures use a mix of orange citric acid + sodium chloride which makes Hydrochloric acid.

Lithium soap is a soap consisting of a lithium salt of a fatty acid. Sodium-based and potassium-based soaps are used as cleaning agents in domestic and industrial applications, whereas lithium soaps are used as components of lithium grease" or "white lithium".

Remember soap = animal fat + Lye (caustic)

  So now we maybe have a soap and liquid rosin mix to use as a patch-cleaner-preservative lube. Multiple corrosives mixed just right work well alone. So what happens when you add in heat from burning gun powder?

Good Question and one I am researching. For now here is a link to the taloil process. Taloil

   Another word you may encounter will be "neat soap" which is defined as:
 molten soap formed during manufacture especially after fitting and settling out of nigre and lye and used for making bars, chips, or powders.

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