
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

SCOPE Wayne County Fall meeting dates

Our fall meetings start in a couple of weeks at American Legion Post in Marion. Every meeting is at 7PM. Always on the second Wednesday of the month:

September 8
October 13
November 10

Free food, 50/50 raffle at every meeting.

We will be voting on a few causes at the September meeting.

I'd like to "bring to the floor" that Wayne County Chapter sponsor the Second Amendment Radio show. Those guys are great promoters of the 2nd Amendment, and they have advertised our Chapter business at no charge.

I'd like to also propose that we buy an engraved plaque and present it as an award to Senator Mike Nozzolio as a token of appreciation for his work for our 2A rights. I spoke with the Senator for about 30 minutes at the Fair, he needs our support to take back control of the NY Senate from the Democrats. We were 2 votes away from the Microstamping bill in 2010. The bill WILL be back in 2011. Another important issue is redistricting of voting districts. Whichever party is in charge after the 2010 elections, will be in charge of voter district allocations. If the Democrats are still in control of senate, they will redistrict so that it will be next to impossible for any Republican to win an election in upstate NY. We need to support Senator Nozzolio, who is one of the senior members in the Senate and DEFINITELY is watching our back.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

Also, please remember and spread the word that the Youth Shoot/Range Day in Sodus is September 19th from 1 to 4PM.
I have posters up in 4 locations, if you want to help put posters up in "friendly" high traffic areas, let me know. I can email you a word document and you can print them out.

We need to sell more gun raffle tickets for the Remington R-15. I will be looking for volunteers to sell these, and I am sure anyone who hasn't bought tickets yet could use this beautiful rifle if they were lucky enough to win it.


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