
Friday, August 27, 2010

Kenyon's Camelot

Oh yea and the family of Kenyon's Camelot is enjoying their 6th vacation of the year. That's ah~ one vacation for every 1.4 months of community service in 2010.

What a difference a decade makes at the State Fair. New rides, new games and new exhibits. And as our Bill Carey reports, for Gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio, a new-found love for the sausage sandwich. Rick could have went to the Yates SCOPE pig roast. Oh crap how silly of me~ then he would have had to have seen Palidino face to face.

Humm no mention of the embezzled money. So I will.

A former director of the New York State Fair used state resources to help put on weddings for his two daughters, and also gave away more than $700,000 worth of free fair and concert tickets to politicians, employees and other officials, an investigation by the New York State inspector general found. The report also said that the former director, Peter Cappuccilli Jr., paid more than $800,000 in salary to families and friends of employees.

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