
Monday, August 23, 2010

NYSMLA.ORG's letter to APA & DEC Moose River Plains area

Dear APA;

As a New York State taxpayer, sportsman and user of the Moose River area I make the following comments on the Moose River Plains Unit Management Plan. As an organization the New York State Muzzleloaders take this issue to heart as they have been a special use group of this area for many years holding their “Primitive Rendezvous” annual in the meadow. If this UMP is not carefully crafted it will become an area which excludes many sportsman and women and while the “Wilderness” moniker is idealistic, it is not practical for the users of these resources. The following comments summarize the changes we support in moving the UMP to approval;

Support the intensive use corridor and roadside camping.

Extend the intensive use area from the Red River to the Limekiln Gate, allowing the placement of three to four more Camp sites and securing the entrance to the area.

Vehemently oppose reclassification of 15, 000 +- acres of wild forest as wilderness. Such action will restrict access for the handicapped and the majority of the public. Leave the area as wild forest and construct recreation corridors allowing access into this area.

Vehemently oppose the closing and subsequent removal of the Little Indian and Otter Brook Roads that lead Squaw Lake, Muskrat Lake and the Little River. These bodies of water provide some of the best trout fishing opportunities in New York State and have been accessed by the sporting community via motor vehicle for many, many years with no discernable negative environmental impact. The roads are maintainable and provide access for all individuals, including individuals with disabilities and “individuals in the middle” who are not fit enough to hike to these prime fishing locations. It is difficult to understand the thinking behind this recommendation.

It just plain doesn’t make any sense!

Oppose any actions that create “wilderness buffer zones”, which essentially restrict access on wild forest lands.

Oppose the designation of any management areas that restrict access by the public especially those who are physically limited or have special needs..
Support the float plane access, as outlined in the plan, leading to Beaver Lake, Little Moose Lake, Squaw Lake, and Little Indian Lake. Recommend designation as a special management area that will allow float plane use to be maintained in perpetuity.
Support ATV access during participation in Department of Environmental Conservation licensed activities such as hunting, fishing and trapping.

Please take action to modify the plan accordingly.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Eric K. Bratt
New York State Muzzleloaders Assoc / Past President
1680 Mudge Road
Delanson, NY 12053

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