Wednesday, June 22, 2011

13th Lake Region NY DEC bias proposal

N.Y.S. Conservation Council
Action Alert

D.E.C. Proposes Precedent Setting Outboard Motor Ban

Good afternoon:

The D.E.C. is proposing a precedent setting regulation to ban outboard motors from Thirteenth Lake. The lake is a popular trout fishing and hunting area that currently is only accessible with car top boats, as the boats must be carried about 200 yards to the lake. Reasons given for the action are "the need to create an environment consistent with the surrounding wilderness area, gas powered boats can create noise that can be heard in areas within the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area which can negatively affect the wilderness experience of users. Water and air pollution from gas powered boats can also negatively impact the lake. In addition, the wake created from these boats can harm nesting loons and can create difficulties for those canoeing". The proposed regulation sets some dangerous precedents that could be expanded to any other lake in the Adirondack Park that borders a wilderness area.

 To access the proposed regulations go to: Scroll down to Thirteenth Lake . Deadline for comments is July 2, 2011. Please weigh in and forward to others who utilize boats and outboard motors for fishing and to access hunting and trapping areas or to enjoy the out of doors! To send a letter to the DEC and elected officials:

1. Highlight the letter below starting with the date and ending before the solid black line across the page. Then click edit then copy.

June 20, 2011

Peter Frank, Bureau of Forest Preserve
NYS DEC, Division of Lands & Forests
625 Broadway, Albany , NY 12233-4254

RE: Opposition to proposed regulation to ban outboard motors on Thirteenth Lake

Dear Mr. Frank:

As a sportsman and taxpayer I oppose the proposed regulation to ban the use of outboard motors on Thirteenth Lake for the following reasons:

1. There is no documented scientific evidence that the lake requires this additional protection or that water or air quality is being negatively impacted;

2. The regulation does not provide equitable consideration for all user groups and instead favors the paddlers and hikers; needs of fisherman and hunters are an afterthought.

3. The statement that outboard motors wakes are negatively impacting on nesting loons is hollow rhetoric and without merit;

4. The actions to protect the wilderness boundary are simply action on the Departments part to further a protectionist agenda and appease the green groups;

5. The regulation, which promotes the use of electric motors, will place the sport fishing public and hunters at risk as electric motors do not have the thrust or sustainability to get the sporting community safely to shore in high winds or when traveling long distances;

6. Citing the Forest Preserve Advisory Board as a group who has endorsed this regulation raises some very serious questions about the legitimacy and legality of this group. The Board is stacked with Green Groups, keeps no minutes that are available to the public and does not allow or invite the press or the general public to its meetings. Yet is a board involved in recommending regulations and policy!

7. The current lake access requires boats to be carried approximately 200 yards and as such limits lake access to car top boats and small motors; which are appropriate for a lake of this size.

8. Restricting motors will limit fisherman and prohibit hunters from accessing the remote sections of the lake.

9. The regulation will negatively impact on small businesses in an area that depend on sport fishing and hunting for business traffic.

Please stop this deceitful attempt at establishing precedent to further the D.E.C.’s “quiet waters” initiative and please consider the needs of all user groups in an equitable manner. Withdraw this proposal!



cc: Senator Mark Grisanti, Chair Encon. Committee
Senator Betty Little
Senator David Carlucci, Chair Admin. Reg. Review Com.


2. Click the link below on the far left to open an email message. When the email opens be sure all recipients are listed. Add others as you see fit, such as your state eleccted officials.;;;;

3. In the subject box type: Opposition to Outboard Motor Ban on Thirteenth Lake

4. Move your cursor to the text box and go to edit then paste to place the comment in the email. Feel free to modify comments as you see fit and add your own lead in and closing statements.

5. Fill in your name and address, title, etc. at the bottom of the e-mail.

6. Hit send and your comment will be sent to the D.E.C. and Elected Officials.

7. It is important that the D.E.C. receive some hard copies; they must respond to comments received by mail. To send a hard copy open the attachment and print.

8. If you would like to send an additional comment to Commissioner Martens click the link below.

If you need assistance or have questions, please let me know.

Thank-you for weighing in on this very important issue. Deadline for comments is July 2, 2011
Walt Paul
N.Y.S. Conservation Council
Access and Land Use Specialist

For more information and updates visit us at The New York State Conservation Council is the oldest conservation organization in N.Y.S. The mission of the Council is to conserve, protect, restore and perpetuate forests, wildlife and scenic and recreational areas.


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