
Thursday, June 19, 2008

South Carolina Gov. Vetos gun bill

This is agreat idea, maybe we here in NY can get some tax relif for firearms purchases like the other retail stores do.
REgards, BPB

South Carolina Governor Vetoes Tax Holiday for Firearms!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Please Contact Your State Representative Today!
On Wednesday June 10, Governor Mark Sanford (R) vetoed S 1143, a bill that among other things would have allowed for a “tax holiday” from the sales for any firearm sold during a predetermined 48 hour window. S 1143 simply grants the same basic rights for firearms that many other commercial products all ready enjoy, while providing a needed commercial boost to legal gun dealers all across South Carolina. This bill will be heard in the House of Representatives sometime next week in an attempt to overturn the Governor’s veto.
Please contact your State Representative and urge him or her to vote for this important piece of legislation. You can find contact information for your State Representative by clicking here.

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