
Thursday, June 19, 2008

A 11033 Passed Assembly

Subject: A 11033 Passed Assembly


Great news so far!

Bill #A 11033 went to the full body of the Assembly today and PASSED with a vote of 92-14.

A 11033 passed the Assembly EnCon Committee on May 20th. It was sent to the Codes Committee and passed on June 17th. On June 18th it passed the Ways and Means Committee. Also on June 18th it passed the Rules Committee.

S 8228 passed the Senate EnCon Committee on May 28th and was sent to the Rules Committee. The Senate was waiting to see what happens in the Assembly before moving it to the floor for a vote. I was informed that it will be on the agenda for June 20th.

Yours in conservation,

Harold L. Palmer
New York State Conservation Council, Inc.

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