
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bullet -Brass-Primers-Powder Latest Stock/Shipping Update

Good evening. Attached is the current in stock report for 9/15/20. Incoming on brass and bullets has been fairly solid lately, but we are nowhere near close to putting most popular products in stock, it all filters to backorders and barely dents those. 

As a reminder, we are unable to provide estimates as to when your backorder will arrive. It depends on how many we receive vs amount on backorder, nothing is arriving at the levels to fill the backorders complete. Primers continue to be a huge problem, with very limited incoming vs demand. We are still NOT taking backorders for these, but will let you know via this report when we do open them up in the future. 

I don’t have a guess as to when that will be as it 100% depends on incoming improving significantly from where it is today. We are doing our best to keep up, but demand is forcing us to shut down phones on most days @ 2 PM, MST to just be able to finalize the days orders for processing before 5 PM. 

Shipping remains behind a few days as well. We apologize for delays in responding to emails and if you try and reach us when closed, but it is a bit overwhelming at this time. 

 If anything on this report interests you, please call sales tomorrow AM beginning @ 7 AM, MST. I assume it will go quickly.

#BlackPowderBill FFL

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