
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Finger Lakes Conservation Council meeting notes March 2014

Minutes of March 14, 2014

Present:  Steuben County Federation (James Draper), Ontario County Federation (Frank Shutter, Kevin long, William Shaw, Orleans County Federation (Neil Newton, Mike Elam), Genesee County Federation (Glen Adams), Seneca County Federation (John Andrews), Wayne County Federation (Keith Youngs).  Aaron Youngs excused.

Guest Dennis Money of Seneca White Deer.

Meeting called to Order at Shortsville Rod and Gun Club by President Mike Elam.

Dennis Money made a presentation about the Seneca White deer, Largest herd of white, White Tail Deer. Currently the most employees are at the Prison on the north end of this property.  The Owners of the property are the IDA, Industrial development Association of Seneca County.  DEC has said no to owning this property due to the perceived future maintenance costs.  Potential for open space, tourism ect.  Seneca White Deer Inc has had sold out tours any time they were able to host them.  Robert J. Aronson is the current director of the board.  The IDA wants more tourism, Dennis Money states that the history of the Depot and the wildlife are equal parts of the tours that were given by Seneca White Deer.  In the 11 weekend tours 6300 people attended to a tune of $125,000 to the coffers of Seneca White Deer Inc.  Dennis Money has asked us to help to generate political support make a 7,000 acre portion of the Depot as open space in region 8.  Get support to utilize the Environmental protection fund to secure the area.  This expenditure would generate money and jobs as demonstrated from the tours.  It was stated that we should send letters to Nozolio and Kolb.  This area is a wildlife treasure access for people with all abilities to get outdoors and learn about nature and history. is their WEB site.    Hunting will be needed to cull the heard, a discussion has been held about holding a lottery to generate operation funds for fence maintenance, if this comes to fruition.  Brian Kolb has been a supporter of late.  Mike Nozolio needs to be persuaded.  There is also resistance from the supervisor of Romulus and the Town of Tyre would need to re-zone the area.

There are five colonial soldiers from the Sullivan campaign buried in the cemetery within the 7000 acres.  The time is now to act, Bill Nojay is onboard.  The map of the area is on their WEB site.  The Nature Conservancy is not interested as their new mission ecosystems.  Region politics are definitely in play on this issue.  Seneca White Deer has estimated within their business plan that they could see 21,000 visitors per year and generate revenue of $1.1 million dollars.  It is estimated that there are 185 White deer in the herd with 800 deer overall on the property.  Coyotes’ are a problem!

Old business:

We have been having problems holding our meetings at the Region 8 Headquarters.  When Mike Elam requests confirmation, answerers have been delayed or last minute.  We have had several times in the recent past where we went to the Headquarter only to find no one there.  We then held the meeting outside.  The last time was our August meeting.  Our February meeting was canceled at the last minute and thanks to the Shortsville Rod and Gun Club we were able to reschedule it for March 14th. 

NYS DEC has scheduled a meeting with Commissioner Martens and sent out invitations to various people representing groups within region 8, Mike Elam and Glen Adams have been invited.  One the list of things we will bring up are Hemlock Candice Lake utilization and management plan, The work needed at the Caledonia Hatchery, the celebration of 150 years and the badly needed restoration needed at the hatchery. 
E-licensing and the difficulty of area agents to access the system.  The problems hunter education instructors are having with the new online registration and results record keeping.

April 1 SCOPE is hosting another rally in Albany

FWMB-  Fisher study is ongoing with possible harvesting of fisher  out about two years.

Emerald Ash Bore is a big problem in the area.  Less than 5% of forest infected at this time.
DEC projects scheduled for the area are Black Creek at the Genesee River, Braddock’s Bay area, Sandy Creek and High Tor.  These will be in house projects of the DEC.  Mute Swans are a problem being addressed as invasive species. 

Lamprey ell are an issue in Catherine’s Creek, Keuka and Cayuga Lakes.

State of the Finger lakes meetings are scheduled in region 8 with one scheduled for May 19th at the Christian Academy 7245 College St, Lima NY 7:00 PM

At the FWMB meeting one of the representatives brought up the request for going back to a Monday Big Game start to help businesses.  The change to Saturday starts helped youth and hunters but has hurt retailers and eateries.  

Naples creek trout shocking to take place March 20th at  9:00 AM. 

6 New ECO coming into region, we expect two retirements.

 William Gibson Legislative VP is doing a very good job for the NYSCC and chaired a very informative meeting at Herkimer.

 The Spring Committees meeting is for Saturday April 16th at Herkimer Community College.

 Mergansers are having a problem with the long cold winter because they decided not to fly further south.  Many have died of starvation.

 There will probably be more fish kills this year due to more ice and longer periods of the same.

 Livingston County Federation is taking the lead on the August 9th Celebration at the Caledonia Fish Hatchery.
We hosted a Region 7, 8 and 9 meeting to hash out issues that face western NY on January 12th.  Most issues are the same as those stated above.

WDMA hosted a seminar at RIT recently.
Naples Creek Wing Dams have deteriorated, they used to help the habitat creating places fish could hole up as well as oxygenating the stream.  We want to talk to the DEC to see if wing walls can be re-established in creeks that had them.

 David Kline of the Nature Conservancy gave a presentation at the Region 7, 8 and 9 ,  on the Lake Ontario 2014 plan and how it could help bring back diversity of species and habitat.  We feel that the FLCC should support the Lake Ontario 2014 plan.  NYSCC has agreed to support this plan and have signed on.  Mike Elam read the letter of support for the Lake Ontario 2014 plan he drafted.

 ·         John Andrews made a motion to send the letter of support for the Lake Ontario Plan to any and all.  It was second by Frank Shutter and motion approved.

County news:

Genesee County has been working on getting rifle approved for big game in the county as well as actively supporting the repeal of the SAFE ACT via our county chapter of SCOPE. 

Ontario County sent two campers to DEC conservation camp, has a gun raffle in the fall, This was the first year center fire rifle was used for Big Game hunting and it came off without a hitch.  Crossman arms was very generous to Ontario county youth hunt, mentor John Starfield is heading it up.

Orleans County April 12th Annual meeting and Banquet. April 12th, shot heard around the world.

The Holley Squirrel Slam was held again this year.   There was a very small turnout of anti hunters for the event.

Seneca County  April 17th annual Banquet, Seneca county had sent children to conservation camp also.  Working with Seneca White Deer.

Steuben County has sent 6 children to DEC conservation camp.  Will be planting 25 to 50 American Chestnut Trees.  A new chapter of SCOPE had formed in Steuben County. Meeting the first Thursday of month at Bath Rod and Gun Club.

Wayne County  Banquet is April 12th at Captain Jacks in Sodus Point cocktails at 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM Dinner.  Will benefit sending children to Conservation camp.  Wayne County chapter of SCOPE at the Palmyra VFW on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.  Wayne County experienced the Lady pediatrician that was stealing the Repeal SAFE Act Signs she was caught and charged with a misdemeanor.  Wayne County will be hosting a Chili cook off in three weeks.

·         Kevin Long made a motion to support Dennis Money and the Seneca White Deer Association and second by James Draper. Motion carried.


·         Frank Shutter made a motion to send letters of support of the Seneca White Deer Association and second by John Andrews.  Motion carried.


·         Frank Shutter made a motion for the Finger Lakes Conservation Council to comment on the Mute Swan management plan and John Andres Second. Motion Carried.


·         Neil Newton made a motion for the FLCC to pay for the pizza for tonight’s meeting and all future meetings and second by Kevin Long. Motion carried.


·         Neil Newton made a motion for us to put an business card advertisement in the NUSCC Grass Roots news for every month of a year and was second by John Andrews. Motion carried.


Nominations for officers:

President:  Mike Elam

Vice President: Keith Youngs

Treasurer: Dennis Race

Secretary: Glen Adams

 ·                  Frank Stutter made a motion to accept the nominations as our officers and second by John Andrews.  Motion carried.

 License plates can be purchased through the DMV if you have a life time license that denote you are a life time hunter.

 Next meeting May 2nd, Mike Elam will try to get it back to the DEC Region 8 Headquarters.

John Andrews made a motion to adjourn the meeting and was second by Neil Newton.  Motion carried.

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