
Wednesday, March 26, 2014


8 East Main Street, Ilion, New York, 13357-1899; 315-894-3302;
SECRETARY: Donald Sage, P.O. Box 123, Paradox, NY 12858; 518-585-7250
NYSCC Legislative Meeting; Herkimer College; March 8, 2014
Meeting called to order by President Chuck Parker. After the Pledge to our Flag, He informed the members present that there will be a Board of Directors meeting at our spring meeting on April 26 per a request by some board members. He also explained some house-keeping rules and gave an update on his trips to Albany.
Legislative VP Bill Gibson explained the bills the council is tracking (about 280) and passed out binders containing copies of these. He also has been busy compiling and sorting these and other bills, and how he has been in touch with the legislators by e-mail and letters. He encouraged all of us to e-mail, call, and write our legislators requesting support of the council’s position. He also provided copies of the Firearm Legislation Bills (about 128) that he is watching. The Repeal SAFE Act bills are included in these. Copies can be acquired from the council office and they are also on-line at the NYSCC Website. You may also contact Bill directly with questions, etc.
The rest of the morning was spent reviewing and taking positions on the bills.
Break for lunch.
After lunch: Finished up the bills.
President Parker commented on committees and the need for everyone to renew their position every year. There is no automatic carry-over. The nominating committee consists of one person each from Regions 1, 2, 3; Regions 4, 5, 6; and Regions 7, 8, 9. Anyone wishing to run for an office needs to contact them for the elections in September.
President Parker requested the Big Game Committee to draft a resolution on the Bear Hunting, support for hunting over bait and hunting with dogs so the council can review it and take a position to send to DEC, etc. Likewise the Fish Committee on Lake George invasive species, milfoil, boat & trailer wash stations and how this could affect anglers across the state. The other committees as necessary will be asked to address items, positions, pertinent to their committee and draft resolutions accordingly. The committee members need to become more involved and active in the council, especially in the research of topics. President Parker would like all these resolutions reviewed and finalized for presentation to the membership at the annual September 19-21 meeting.
The council has only two resolutions for consideration this year, pending the committee meetings and their resolutions. Remember, resolutions from the counties were due in by February 1, 2014. Please plan on attending the Spring Meeting as we are looking to plan and better organize our committees and defining our committee’s tasks and mission. See attached info from President.
Food for Thought, a possible action for the Education committee and input to President. The DEC ops department is looking into taking over the “youths to camp program.” How will this affect the C.O.’s, archery/ hunter training, woodland skills, etc. of the program? Bring your thoughts and opinions to the spring meeting so they can be discussed for committee action items and or passed on to the President. Also, bring your copy of the suggested changes to the NYSCC Positions paper. This needs to be finalized for a vote at the September meeting. The Position changes are available on our website.
Legislative meeting adjourned 1430 hrs.
Don Sage, Secretary
Legislative Contact:
Bill Gibson; 585-737-3713;
NYSCC Spring Meeting; April 26th Not Just Another Meeting
Will you be there?
The NYSCC annual spring meeting normally covers our resolutions as a primary topic of discussion. Not so this year. Pending Committee activities we only have two resolutions to consider at this time. With this situation we now have the opportunity to cover, other just as important issues for the Council. I hope, that we as council members take this opportunity to address issues we have long identified as important, but have been unable to adequately address in the past. There are also some current issues that we need to look at. We need to look at our Committee structure and how we operate as well as some current issues so that the Council remains current, effective, and relevant to today’s issues.
When it comes to many issues I often say that we have to represent the consensus of the membership, which is a corner stone of our strength. With our Committee process we need to identify our committees functions and current items of concern It will be asked that every Committee identify their items of concerns today and possible concerns for tomorrow. It will also be important that all of us not directly associated with a specific committee know what the other committees see as their mission or concern. We want to strengthen our different committees knowledge and base so that we can better serve the membership and continue to move forward. So on April 26th it will be asked that all committees meet determine their mission and possible action for 2014 and give a brief report during our general session. Others in the general session will be able to comment and give suggestions.
The balance of the Spring meeting will be covered by presentations. The topic of these presentations will cover on access and collaborations. I hope we all look at how the different issues are being addressed (the process which goes beyond the topic being discussed) as well as the topic itself. Walt Paul the NYSCC Access Specialist will give a short presentation on the access issues we have been dealing with over the past year. Eric Carlson of the Empire Forest Products Associations will give a presentation on common issues and legislation that they share with us. Sean Mahar, NYS Audubon has been asked to talk on common habitat concerns that we share. You find little in common with your local Audubon Chapter? That is an issue that can be discussed and possibly worked upon. The State Chapter is not the same as your local Chapter of Audubon. Find out the differences. Representatives from CFAB and the State FWMB will also be invited to attend. One comment I would like to make that we are seeing with better working relationships that there is the opportunity to sit at more tables to express the Council Membership’s concern. We don’t always agree 100% of the time with the other but we are there and where we do agree we have these groups support.
All this will be done and we plan to close the Spring Meeting by 3:00pm. We need your organizations attendance to help the Councils to continue to be a cohesive group where the membership helps promote directions and we all have a better understanding of what we the Council are trying

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