
Friday, February 1, 2013

Second Amendment Rally SCOPE info United Front

Second Amendment Rally

Thursday February 28 in Albany

Bus will leave at 5:30AM SHARP!!!! Please meet at the Marion American Legion parking lot (4141 Witherden Rd, Marion, NY 14505).

Donation of $30 per rider is required, to be collected at the bus. Tip for driver will be determined.

Bus departs for Albany at 5:30AM SHARP! Please be at the Legion parking lot before then, so we can leave in a timely fashion. Bus will return to Marion American Legion parking lot approximately 7:15PM (leave Albany at 2:30PM).

In Albany, there will be speakers from 10:30AM to 12:30PM in the Well of the Legislative Office Building.

At 1:00PM, all members of our group are welcome to meet with Senator Nozzolio in his office. All riders are free to arrange for your own meetings/activities while in Albany. We all must meet back at bus before 2:30 so we can leave right at 2:30 SHARP! We must leave at this time.

You are allowed to bring food and drinks with you on the bus, and it is advised because it will be a long day. Bring a blanket and pillow for the ride. There is a cafeteria near the Well in the Legislative Office Building.

Dress attire: please do not wear blaze orange or camo. The media will single you out and portray us in a negative light. It happens every time. NRA, SCOPE or other 2A group attire is definitely endorsed. Always be polite and respectful in Albany, we are scrutinized under a microscope and it does not help our cause by making statements we may regret later. We have to do our own PR work as well advocate for our Second Amendment Rights. Trust me on that please!

SCOPE ball caps will be available at the bus for donation of $10.

RSVP as soon as possible, as seating is limited to 56. or call 597-2198


For more information please visit SCOPE on the web.

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