
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fellow Patriots: The reason for gun control~

Fellow Patriots:

The real reason for gun control is much more sinister than politicians and anti-gun advocates will ever admit.

People in position of power are receiving money from the anti-gun advocates, and they are not listening to law abiding, citizen gun owners.
They have been demonizing and distorting facts about firearms relentlessly, and sadly exploiting the victims of Sandy Hook, and the firefighters of Webster. Demonization and distortion won't change anyone's mind. It only further confuses the populace to further an agenda. These types of elected representatives can never win on the issues, because the facts tell the truth.

We, the law abiding citizens are faced with draconian ultimatums, driven by the coordinated misinformation of some of our elected officials. The Governor is threatening CONFISCATION and wants 100% registration. He is planning to fan the flames of hysterical misinformation at his State of the State Address. Now is the time to make ourselves heard. Here is the plan that we, the law abiding citizen must act upon to make ourselves heard, because we are being deliberately ignored. The Governors State of the State Speech planned for Wednesday January 9 at 1:30 PM.

Gun Owners, their families, friends and supporters of the Constitution need to invest a few minutes of their time and make some phone calls.
The democrats are NOT giving up, and will push these bills through if they can THIS WEEK. This means that we all could become class B felons, within passage of these laws.
It appears we may have the exact number of votes (32) to save us from these laws, but if ONE of these 32 votes get weak and fall to pressure then we lose.
Please keep the discourse civil, polite, and DO NOT MAKE ANY THREATS OR STATEMENTS OF BRAVADO. THIS HURTS OUR CAUSE.
Here are the bills the democrats are trying to ram through as soon as possible:

Call the Governor’s Office (518) 474-8390 – AND LEAVE THIS MESSAGE:

"I am a law abiding, tax paying, voting, citizen of New York State and I strongly urge you not to impose any further restrictions, laws or regulations on my Second Amendment Rights as granted by the United States Constitution".

Then you call Senate Leader Skelos and leave the same message.

Then you call Assembly Leader Silver and leave the same message.

Then you call your own Assemblyperson and State Senator and leave the same message.

Please make these phone call messages to our ELECTED representatives. If the trunk lines into the capital become overloaded with call volume then so be it......this is the goal. WE MUST BE HEARD.

While waiting, you can also access their respective web sites and voice your concern through email message. Write the same message as above.

Contact information:

Call the Governor at (518) 474-8390, go to his web site and leave a response

Senate Majority Co Leader Dean Skelos (518) 455-3171

Senate Majority Co Leader Sen. Jeffrey Klein, D-Bronx 518-455-3595

and Sheldon Silver 518-455-3791

Please forward this to every gun owner you know. If the phones are busy, good...this means that it is working. Keep trying until you leave the message!!!


for Liberty,

Chris Edes
Chair, Monroe County SCOPE

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