
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Letter to NY Senators from

[url=]Letter to NY Senators[/url]

Shooters Committe on Political Education

To View the email as a web page click here.

Upcoming Session in Albany could be devastating for law abiding gun owners.

We are pleading with you to take a few minutes out of your day and write the letter below to your New York State Senator.

You need to not just write this letter to your New York Senator, but get others to do so also. This could be now or never unless you act now!

Dear Senator
As a law abiding gun owner of New York, We have become very concerned with the impending gun legislation by Governor Cuomo and the Assembly.
As discussed, as a provision of the 1994 "Assault Weapons Ban", NY residents can only buy 10 round magazines for rifles and pistols. Presently, there are no manufacturers of 7 round magazines for rifles or pistols. This would render AR style rifles and semi automatic pistols useless, as no magazines could be used with these guns. I would highly doubt that a manufacturer would make special magazines for NY residents. This would be a de-facto gun ban & would curtail sale of new semi-automatic gas operated firearms in NY State.

Pre-ban magazines holding standard capacity (30 rounds) of  cartridges, manufactured before 1994 are presently "grand fathered" and legal to own in NY. Millions of gun owners in NY State own these   magazines. Because we are a niche market living in one of the "assault weapon" ban states, we had to pay premiums to obtain these legal pre-ban magazines (sometimes as much as $30 to $40 per magazine). Millions of NY residents have hundreds of dollars invested in pre-ban magazines, which were legally obtained according to the laws of the state.

If the Governor and Assembly ban all military look-alike rifles, such as the AR15 sporting rifle, and eliminate grandfather clauses, this would instantly make millions of law abiding NY residents criminals.
The AR15 sporting rifle is by far one of the most popular firearms in the United States today. These guns are used in shooting competitions and target shooting all over the state. AR15s are also used for hunting & prized by collectors. There are thousands of these rifles in NY State today in the possession of law abiding citizens.

I/we are asking that you oppose any ban of these firearms . There have been cases through history (in the US and abroad), where registration was a precursor to confiscation. .

The State can pass hundreds of laws and they will not be able to prevent a sick, psychotic individual from creating atrocities. The killer in CT broke the first and most basic law and moral standard....murder.
Hundreds of new laws would not have prevented that tragedy. Mass murders will be prevelent  in "gun free" zones. And of course, the reason for that is obvious.

We do not have a gun problem in NY State or the United States. We have moral decay occurring in this country.
Thank you very much for your time on this important topic. Please use common sense and prevent the knee jerk reactions that can make your constituents a criminal with the stroke of a pen.

SCOPENY is a non profit 100% Volunteer "Civil Rights Organization", looking out for Gun Owners Rights in New York State.
Please join or renew the $20 annual membership fee today.
For about the cost of a box of ammo you can help SCOPE help you.

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