
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Opposition to Finch Pruyn and Follensby Pond Purchases by N.Y. State .

N.Y.S. Conservation Council
Action Alert
Opposition to Finch Pruyn and Follensby Pond Purchases by N.Y. State .

Good afternoon:

I am communicating with you today to ask you to weigh in as a taxpayer and member of the sporting community regarding opposition to the Finch Pruyn and Follensby Pond Purchases by N.Y. State .

Recently D.E.C. Officials have stated publicly that the department plans on fulfilling its commitment to purchasing the Finch Pruyn and Follensby Pond Lands . The Finch Pruyn Lands (60 Thousand +- Acres) are located in the towns of Newcomb, Indian Lake, North Hudson, Minerva and Long Lake and Follensby Pond (14Thousand +- Acres) is located outside of Tupper Lake .
Combined purchase price for both pieces of land is estimated at 70 million dollars. Currently the lands are leased by clubs and there are many hunting cabins on the lands and many miles of roads utilized for logging and sporting access. If the State buys the lands in fee and they are designated as wilderness things will change drastically. Cabins removed, clubs disbanded, roads closed and no motorized vehicle access. Essentially the lands will be inaccessible to the majority of sportsmen and women and taxpayers. In addition, sustainable forestry will be terminated and businesses associated with it will be devastated.

A more reasonable approach to conserving the resources of these beautiful areas would be for the State to purchase Conservation Easements on these lands and purchase in fee several sensitive areas as the attached letter to Governor Cuomo suggests.

Please forward this alert to others with an interest in maintaining access for all instead of a select few and those interested in sustaining the sporting traditions. Please weigh in!

To send a comment to Governor Cuomo and key elected officials:

1. Highlight the letter below starting with the date and ending before the solid black line across the page. Then click edit, then copy.
July 12, 2011

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany , NY 12224
Re: Support For Conservation Easements on Finch Pruyn and Follensby Pond Lands

Opposition to Fee Purchase of these lands by New York State .

Dear Governor Cuomo:

As a taxpayer and member of the sporting community I oppose the fee purchase of the Finch Pruyn and Follensby Pond lands by N.Y. State .

As a taxpayer and sportsmen I support the Conservation Easement option as a more reasonable approach to conserving the natural resources, maintaining sustainable forestry and local business, and providing access and recreational opportunities for a much broader cross section of outdoor enthusiasts.

I support the fee purchase of the site of the philosopher’s camp on Follensby Pond and the Ok Slip Falls and Hudson River Gorge on the Finch Pruyn Lands.

The reason for my position is as follows:
As a taxpayer I am opposed to the purchases which are estimated to amount to 70 Million dollars. At a time when thousands are without jobs in N.Y.S. and thousands are about to be laid off, college tuitions are being raised and we are cutting back educational opportunities and health care programs I don’t believe N.Y.S. can afford such an extravagant expenditure of funds. Additionally, the purchase and subsequent classification will devastate the sustainable forest industry in the area and deal a death blow to small businesses already struggling.

As an active member of the sporting community I adamantly oppose the purchase because the Finch Pruyn and Follensby Pond Lands that are located in the Adirondack Park will most certainly be classified as wilderness. As such the sporting community and their families will no longer be able to enjoy these beautiful areas; with the purchase 200 hunting cabins will be torn down and hundreds of sportsmen and women displaced, invasive species management will become impossible; small businesses will suffer a loss of business from the sporting community and only an elite few will be able to enjoy the area.

Please use your authority to stop these fee purchases; we cannot afford it, it is not the best way to conserve the natural resources for all to enjoy, to sustain the critical forestry industry or to sustain local businesses in these small communities.

Thank-you for your consideration regarding this very important decision!

Sincerely yours,



C. Senator Mark Grisanti, Chair Encon. Committee
Senator Betty Little
Senator John A. DeFrancisco, Chair Finance Committee
Commissioner Martens __________________________________________________________________________

2. Click the following link

3. Complete the required contact information and in the subject box type: Opposition to Purchase of Finch And Follensby Lands and under topics scroll to bottom of the list and click "other".

4. Move your cursor to the comment box and go to edit then paste to place the comment in the email. Then answer the question and hit submit form. Your comment will be sent to Governor Cuomo. Close out the Governor's home page, which should take you back to the action alert.

5. To copy key elected officials click the link below on the far left to open an email message. When the email opens be sure all recipients are listed. Copy others as you see fit such as your elected officials.;;

6. In the subject section type "Opposition to Finch and Follensby Purchase"

7. Move your cursor to the text box and go to edit then paste to place the comment in the email.

8. Fill in your name and address, title, etc. at the bottom of the e-mail.

9. Hit send and your comment will be sent to the key Elected Officials.

Modify comments as you see fit and add your own lead in and closing statements.
10. To copy Commissioner Martens click the link below. Complete the required contact information. Under the subject section enter "Opposition to Finch and Follensby Purchase". Go to the comment section and hit paste; the comment will be placed in the e-mail. Complete the name and address section, hit send and a copy of your communication to Governor Cuomo will be sent to Commissioner Martens. Close out the DEC page.

11. It is important that the Governor receive some hard copies. To send a hard copy open the attachment and print.

If you need assistance or have questions, please let me know.

Thank-you for taking the time to express your opinion on this very important issue. Please act today!

Walt Paul
NYS Conservation Council
Access and Land Use Specialist

For more information and updates visit us at The New York State Conservation Council is the oldest Conservation organization in N.Y.S. The mission of the Council is to conserve, protect, restore and perpetuate forests, wildlife and scenic and recreational areas. If you are not a member go to

to lend your support!

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