
Thursday, March 10, 2011

NYS Conservation Council Bills being watched

 March 4, 2011                                                     For 2011 Legislative Meeting

A148   Sayward 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 342 LITTLE 01/05/11 REFERRED TO FINANCE. Amd S802, Exec L Prohibits the Adirondack park agency from promulgating or implementing any rule, regulation or land use and development plan, related to campgrounds, which is inconsistent with the provisions of any rule or regulation of the department of health relating thereto.
NYSCC Position:  AR

A151   Sayward 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 345 LITTLE 01/05/11 REFERRED TO FINANCE. Amd S802, Exec L Redefines "campground" for the purposes of the Adirondack park and regulation by the Adirondack park agency; defines such term as a parcel of land with 5 or more campsites, including buildings and accessory structures; provides that recreational vehicles may be kept at a campground or campsite, with the consent of the owner of the campground, during periods of time when they are not in use, so long as they are not used in a manner which violates the campground permit. NYSCC Position:  AR

A277   Dinowitz 01/05/11 referred to aging. Same as S 297 DIAZ 02/22/11 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION – REQUESTED. Add S13.20, Pks & Rec L Provides that the office of parks, recreation & historic preservation or any other agency setting fees for the use of overnight camping facilities shall set such rate at five dollars for residents of the state 65 years of age or over for the use of such facilities. NYSCC Position:  AR

A295A  Hevesi 01/27/11 amend and recommit to environmental conservation. Amd S11-0511, En Con L Makes technical corrections to provisions on possession and transportation of wildlife. NYSCC Position:  AR

A300   Maisel 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Establishes a moratorium on the acceptance, disposal and/or processing of any fluid which was used in a hydraulic fracturing process performed outside of the state until 120 days after federal Environmental Protection Agency issues a report on the effects of hydraulic fracturing on water quality and public health. NYSCC Position:  AR

A378A  Magee 01/26/11 amend and recommit to codes. Amd SS11-0701, 11-0901 & 11-1103, En Con L Relates to trapping license to trap snapping turtles. NYSCC Position: AR

A393 Hoyt  01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 1908 SERRANO : 01/14/11 REFERRED TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION. Add S13.31, Pks & Rec L Relates to oil and gas drilling in Allegany State Park. NYSCC Position:  AR

A408   Hoyt 01/18/11 REFERRED TO JUDICIARY.  Same as S 2779 YOUNG 02/01/11 REFERRED TO JUDICIARY. Add S329-a, RP L Provides for the lapse of oil and gas interests located within Allegany state park if unused for 20 years prior to effective date of act unless a statement of claim is filed by the owner prior to the end of the 20 year period or within 2 years of the effective date of the act, whichever is later; provides upon such lapse ownership shall revert to New York state; procedures and definitions. NYSCC Position:  NP

A427   Gunther 01/05/11 referred to real property taxation. Same as S 1491 LITTLE 01/07/11 REFERRED TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Amd SS480 & 480-a, RPT L Authorizes a procedure whereby the chief executive officer of a municipal corporation in which there is located privately owned forest lands which are exempt from real property taxes to make application to the state for reimbursement for revenues lost as a result of such exemption. NYSCC Position:  AR

A444   Magee  01/05/11 referred to agriculture. Same as S 2485 LITTLE 02/28/11 ADVANCED TO THIRD READING. Amd S225, Ag & Mkts L; amd S9-0505, En Con L Directs the wood products development council to work to improve public understanding of the timber industry and authorizes the department of environmental conservation to execute contracts for timber or other forest products valued at under $50,000 without approval from the state comptroller. NYSCC Position:  AR

A511   Sayward 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 822 LITTLE 01/05/11 REFERRED TO FINANCE. Amd S803, Exec L Requires the governor to appoint the five members of the Adirondack park agency who reside in the park, from a list established by the legislative bodies of the counties in the Adirondack park and the Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages. NYSCC Position:  AR

A517   Thiele 01/05/11 referred to ways and means. Same as S 814 LAVALLE 01/05/11 REFERRED TO INVESTIGATIONS AND GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS. Amd S615, Tax L Provides for an increase in federal itemized deduction for certain home improvements; a fifty percent tax exemption is provided to a residential property owner of a one, two or three family home for improvements that will promote environmental quality; limits the deduction to $1,000 in any one tax year. NYSCC Position:  NP

A561   Lentol 01/05/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Add Art 18 S18.01, Pks & Rec L; add S97-kkkk, St Fin L Provides for establishment of the urban open space program in the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation; establishes the urban open space program fund; makes an appropriation of 10 million dollars; purpose of the program is to provide for the acquisition, creation, establishment, expansion, improvement, conservation and protection of open space areas in cities for the purpose of enhancing the urban environment, and thereby promoting the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state in a variety of ways, such as reduction of air and noise pollution, modification of extremes of temperature (resulting in the reduction of energy expended to heat/cool buildings/homes), assisting watershed management, providing habitats for desirable urban vegetation and wildlife, provision of shade, preservation of natural resources, enhancement of real estate values and beautification of urban areas throughout the state. NYSCC Position:  NP

A568   Sayward 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add Art 15 Title 35 SS15-3501 - 15-3509, En Con L Preserves aquatic native species populations, biodiversity and aquatic recreational activities; defines terms; provides for enforcement. NYSCC Position:  NP

A607   Peoples-Stokes 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 1146 PARKER 01/05/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Add Art 74 SS74-1001 - 74-1003, En Con L Establishes the "environmental justice act" to establish governmental procedures to safeguard residents' health and welfare, and achieve environmental justice; definitions; creates the environmental justice task force; makes related provisions. NYSCC Position:  AR

A618   Sayward  01/05/11 referred to ways and means. Amd S615, Tax L; amd S9-103, Gen Ob L Provides a specified tax deduction for taxpayer land made available annually for recreation as part of a local, national, state or regional trail system; limits liability of such landowners to willful or malicious creation or perpetuation of a dangerous condition, use or structure. NYSCC Position:  NP

A645   Gunther 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Imposes a moratorium on the prohibition of feeding white-tailed deer in Sullivan county. NYSCC Position:  AR

A693   Englebright 02/07/11 REFERRED TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION. Same as S 1918 SERRANO 01/14/11 REFERRED TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION. Add S13.14, Pks & Rec L Requires the conducting of public hearings and reports thereon prior to the closure to public access of any real property by the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation. NYSCC Position:  AR

A1140  Lentol 01/05/11 referred to codes. Amd SS265.00, 265.02, 265.03, 265.04 & 265.12, Pen L Raises the level of certain criminal possession and criminal sale of weapons crimes if they are committed on school grounds; defines "school grounds" as in or on or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground or land contained within the real property boundary line of a public or private elementary, parochial, intermediate, junior high, vocational, or high school, or any area accessible to the public located within one thousand feet of the real property boundary line comprising any such school or any parked automobile or other parked vehicle located within one thousand feet of the real property boundary line comprising any such school; defines "area accessible to the public".  NYSCC Position:  NP

A1265 Ortiz  01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S23-0505, En Con L Prohibits the use of toxic fracing solutions during hydraulic fracturing. NYSCC Position: NP

A1266 Ortiz 01/05/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S19-0312, En Con L Directs the commissioner of environmental conservation to establish rules and regulations to reduce significantly high levels of global warming emissions; sets stages for such reductions; establishes a mandatory reporting system to track and monitor such levels. NYSCC Position:  NP

A1282 Destito 01/05/11 referred to transportation. Same as S 1205 GRIFFO 01/05/11 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION. Amd S2405, V & T L Authorizes a governmental agency, by rule or regulation, or municipality, by local law ordinance, to designate a highway or portion of highway as open for travel by an ATV in order to gain access to areas or trails adjacent to such highways. NYSCC Position:  AR

A1327 Rabbitt  01/05/11 referred to agriculture. Amd S110, Ag & Mkts L Authorizes municipalities to set license fees for unspayed or unneutered dogs. NYSCC Position: NP

A1410 Thiele  01/07/11 referred to health. Same as S 1457 LAVALLE 01/07/11 REFERRED TO HEALTH. Amd S1341, Pub Health L; amd S2, Nav L Allows personal watercraft to be used as an alternative to a surfboat. NYSCC Position:  AR

A1442 Destito 01/10/11 referred to corporations, authorities and commissions. Amd S10, Can L Adds powers and duties to the canal corporation; directs the canal corporation to cause the design, preparation of plans, estimates and specifications and the supervision of the erection, construction, repair and removal of all structures referred to be performed by a licensed professional engineer; directs preparation of a flood response plan; makes related provisions. NYSCC Position:  NP

A1644  Kavanagh 01/11/11 referred to codes. Same as S 558 DIAZ 02/22/11 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION – REQUESTED. Add SS265.45 & 265.50, Pen L Creates the offenses of aggravated sale of a firearm and aggravated sale of a firearm to a minor. NYSCC Position:  AR

A1645 Kavanagh 01/11/11 referred to environmental conservation.  Same as S 1971 GIANARIS  01/14/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S71-4003, En Con L Relates to the general civil penalty of the environmental conservation law; provides that in addition to the fines, such person may be enjoined from continuing such violation and any permit or certificate issued to such person may be revoked or suspended, or a pending renewal application may be denied. NYSCC Position: NP

A1661 Rosenthal  01/11/11 referred to environmental conservation. Rpld Art 27 Title 21, S71-2724, add Art 15 Title 35 SS15-3501 - 15-3511, Art 27 Title 21 SS27-2101 - 27-2141, S71-2730, En Con L; amd S16, Ag & Mkts L; add S3240, Ins L; amd S92-s, St Fin L Enacts "The Mercury Free Water Resources and Mercury Reduction Management Strategy Act"; provides for: disclosure of mercury content, phase-out of mercury-added products, disposal prohibition, labelling, source separation, collection, requirements for sewage treatment plants, point source release containment traps, ban on sale or distribution of certain mercury products, replacement of manometers and gas pressure regulators (agriculture dept. to handle for dairy industry), regulates dental use and bans health insurance discrimination therein, requires lamp recycling; adds all mercury-added products to state universal waste rules; provides for a state advisory committee on mercury pollution; provides for penalties for violations; repeals chapter 145 of the laws of 2004 amending the environmental conservation law and the state finance law relating to the labeling and recycling of mercury-added consumer products and establishing an advisory committee on mercury pollution; provides for penalties for violations; repeals chapter 145 of the laws of 2004 amending the environmental conservation law and the state finance law relating to the labeling and recycling of mercury-added consumer products and establishing an advisory committee on mercury pollution. NYSCC Position: NP

A1705 Gunther  01/11/11 referred to transportation. Same as S 2925 JOHNSON 02/03/11 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION. Add S404-x, V & T L; add S99-t, St Fin L Establishes distinctive "I love NYS parks" license plates and "New York state parks revolving fund." NYSCC Position:  NP

A1718 Rosenthal 01/11/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 1255 ADDABBO 01/06/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S11-0103, En Con L Makes Monk (Quaker) Parakeets protected birds. NYSCC Position: NP

A1725 Rosenthal 01/11/11 referred to agriculture. Amd S96-g, add S96-k, Ag & Mkts L Provides for the humane treatment and removal of downed animals. NYSCC Position: NP

A1758 Lentol 01/11/11 referred to codes. Amd S400.00, Pen L Authorizes current and retired members of law enforcement to carry concealed firearms. NYSCC Position: AR

A1864 Gantt 01/12/11 referred to transportation. Rpld S2 subs 30 & 31, amd SS49, 71-d & 73-a, Nav L Relates to the definition and regulation of personal watercraft. NYSCC Position:  AR

A1872 Jeffries 01/12/11 referred to codes. Amd S265.02, Pen L Provides that a person may not possess a weapon while on a mass transit service used by a transit agency, authority, or company. NYSCC Position: NP

A1907 Giglio 01/12/11 referred to real property taxation. Same as S 858 YOUNG 01/05/11 REFERRED TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Add S470, RPT L Grants a $100,000 real property tax exemption to conservation clubs and rod and gun clubs owning land acquired prior to January 1, 2011, having an assessed value of $500,000 or less. NYSCC Position: NP

A2048 Tedisco 01/13/11 referred to corporations, authorities and commissions. Rpld Arts 1-A, 6-A, 13-A, S2 sub 18, amd SS10 & 2, Can L; rpld SS382 & 383, S351 sub 13, add Art 2 Title 5 SS250 - 259, amd SS354, 355, 365 & 384, Pub Auth L; amd S481, Transp L; amd S174, Ec Dev L; amd S92-u, St Fin L Makes the canal corporation an independent public authority; takes the canal corporation out of the jurisdiction and authority of the New York state thruway authority; authorizes the canal authority to bond and lease; creates the canal recreationway commission and provides for the functions, powers and duties and plan of such commission. NYSCC Position:  AR

A2108 Lifton 01/13/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 893 KRUEGER 01/05/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Add Art 23 Title 29 SS23-2901 - 23-2911, En Con L Establishes the natural gas exploration and extraction liability act of 2011. NYSCC Position:  NP

A2122 Millman 02/15/11 reported referred to codes. Amd S353-b, Ag & Mkts L Specifies what constitutes appropriate shelter for dogs restrained outdoors and provides a dog shall not be left outdoors in weather that places the dog in imminent danger due to exposure to heat and cold. NYSCC Position:  NP

A2165 Magee 01/14/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 2182 LITTLE 01/18/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Add Art 19 Title 13 S19-1301, En Con L Relates to the regulation of outdoor wood boilers. NYSCC Position: AR

A2305 Destito 03/03/11 advanced to third reading. Amd S2, Pub Lds L Requires the commissioner of general services to maintain an inventory and audit of every state-owned real property or unappropriated state land that has been sold, transferred, conveyed or exchanged and contain a reverter clause pursuant to the public lands law or the unconsolidated laws. NYSCC Position: NP

A2357 Gabryszak 01/18/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Same as S 278 MAZIARZ 01/05/11 REFERRED TO AGING. Amd S13.19, Pks & Rec L Directs the commissioner of parks, recreation and historic preservation to establish a program of free parking for senior citizens aged sixty-two and older. NYSCC Position: AR

A2439 Englebright 01/18/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 2324 LAVALLE 01/18/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Add S13-0310, En Con L Prohibits the commercial taking of northern or lined seahorses. NYSCC Position:  AR

A2467 Lifton 01/18/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S27-1325, En Con L Entitles the state to a lien upon all real property of any person from whom the state may recover costs under the hazardous waste remedial fund or the environmental conservation law for certain expenditures made by the state. NYSCC Position: NP

A2827 Calhoun 01/20/11 referred to codes. Amd SS10.00 & 30.00, Pen L; amd SS1.20 & 190.71, CP L Allows a juvenile offender accused of certain criminal possession of a weapon offenses, reckless manslaughter and attempts to commit certain felonies to be tried as an adult; changes the definition of "juvenile offender" to include criminal possession of a loaded firearm, machine gun or explosive, reckless manslaughter, and attempts to commit certain serious felonies. NYSCC Position: AR

A3125 Lifton 01/24/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 2558 SEWARD 01/25/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S23-0305, En Con L Relates to the powers and duties of the commissioner and the department of environmental conservation relating to the pollution of fresh water supplies by oil, gas, salt water or other contaminants, and to how the rules and regulations shall also apply equally to all wells in the state. NYSCC Position:  AR

A3225 Calhoun 01/24/11 referred to real property taxation. Amd SS540 & 532, add SS548 & 549, RPT L Provides that state park lands shall be taxable and valued as if privately owned and shall be assessed by the state board, except in those cases where such state land had been assessed by a local municipality prior to the effective date of this act, in which case it shall continue to be locally assessed. NYSCC Position: AR

A3374 Sweeney 01/25/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd SS24-0105, 24-0107, 24-0301, 24-0701, 24-0703, 24-0901 & 24-0903, rpld S24-1305, En Con L Relates to the definition of freshwater wetlands; repeals section relating to the applicability of the freshwater wetlands article; provides authority of DEC over wetlands which are one acre or more; amends permitting requirements for subdivision of land. NYSCC Position: NP

A3409 Schimminger 02/17/11 reference changed to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Same as S 2686 GRISANTI 03/03/11 ADVANCED TO THIRD READING. Amd S3.09, Pks & Rec L; amd S277, Gen Muni L Directs the commissioner of parks, recreation and historic preservation to cooperate with municipalities in establishing adopt-a-park programs; municipalities may enter into agreements with volunteer groups for provision of services. NYSCC Position: AR

A3452 Gabryszak  01/25/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd SS8-0105 & 8-0113, En Con L Provides that the closure to the public of any land operated by the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation, when no appropriation and staff are provided to continuously maintain and preserve such lands, shall be subject to environmental quality review. NYSCC Position: AR

A3556 Magee 01/25/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 2840 YOUNG : 02/02/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S14-0107, En Con L Relates to giving the state soil and water conservation committee membership to the New York ocean and Great Lakes ecosystem conservation council. NYSCC Position: AR

A3598 Kavanagh 01/26/11 referred to codes. Add S837-s, Exec L Requires the division of criminal justice services to report on handgun licenses. NYSCC Position:  AR

A3731 Kellner 01/26/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S11-0538, amd S71-0925, En Con L Prohibits the possession of bushmeat and imposes civil penalties therefor. NYSCC Position:  NP

A 3732 Thiele 01/27/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same S2641 LAVALLE 01/27/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S13-0328, En Con L Relates to marine and coastal district party and charter boat licenses; provides that the department of environmental conservation may permit reissuance of a license to a member of the immediate family of the prior holder of such license; provided that the individual to whom the license or permit is being reissued is at least sixteen years of age; makes related provisions. NYSCC Position:  AR

A3742 Englebright 01/27/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S1-0101, En Con L Declares a policy of equal treatment in the development and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies. NYSCC Position: NP

A3749 Englebright 01/27/11 referred to codes. Amd S265.35, Pen L Prohibits the possession of a gun or non-folding knife while upon the premises of a governmental chamber or at a public hearing of the state or any political subdivision thereof; such violation shall constitute a class E felony; exempts police officers and security personnel. NYSCC Position:  AR

A3756 Englebright 01/27/11 referred to codes. Add S265.45, Pen L Provides that any person in the business of selling rifles and shotguns shall, before selling or delivering a rifle or shotgun to any other person (other than a dealer or gunsmith) require such other person to produce at least two forms of identification; failure to require such proof shall be a class A misdemeanor. NYSCC Position:  AR

A3801 Englebright 01/27/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd SS11-0103, 11-1101 & 71-0921, rpld S71-0923 sub 10, En Con L Prohibits the use of body-gripping traps within 100 feet of a public highway, public road, dwelling, school, playground, day care facility, place of worship, athletic field, or public bike paths, walking paths or hiking trails; prohibits the use of such traps within 500 feet of such facilities without the permission of the owner thereof; authorizes landowners to set traps within 100 feet of their own dwellings; requires that public lands where trapping is permitted to be posted with signs warning of such trapping; makes the violation of laws relating to trapping a misdemeanor; establishes enhanced criminal penalties for use of body-gripping traps too close to certain facilities or dwellings; defines "body-gripping traps".  NYSCC Position: AR

A3818 Englebright : 01/27/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Amd SS9-0303, 46-0111 & 57-0121, add S71-0717, En Con L Prohibits the operation of all-terrain vehicles by the general public in the state forest preserve, Long Island central pine barrens area and Albany pine bush preserve; grants exceptions for the disabled, official purposes and law enforcement; provides for the impoundment of all-terrain vehicles operated in violation of such provisions and the imposition of a $100 surcharge upon the owner thereof; provides for the deposit of such surcharges into a separate all-terrain enforcement fund. NYSCC Position:  AR

A3821 Englebright 01/27/11 referred to codes. Amd SS265.20 & 265.00, add S265.45, Pen L Provides for the labeling of all shipments of firearms, and shipments of shotguns and rifles in jurisdictions which require a permit or license to possess a rifle or shotgun; provides for manifests for transportation thereof, notice to the superintendent of state police, transporters to know what they are transporting when reasonably possible, and for postponement of delivery pending police investigation. NYSCC Position: AR

A3858 Englebright  01/28/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S3-0121, En Con L Directs the commissioner of the department of environmental conservation to prepare an annual report detailing the condition of New York state's natural environment to be annually submitted to the governor, legislature and public on or before December 31. NYSCC Position: AR

A3900A Lavine  02/08/11 amend and recommit to codes. Amd SS265.04 & 265.20, Pen L Prohibits the possession of a loaded firearm at certain events involving public officials or in a government building; makes such crime a class B felony. NYSCC Position: AR

A3924 Crouch 01/31/11 referred to transportation. Requires the commissioner of motor vehicles to conduct a study of the economic impact of ATV use within the state. NYSCC Position: NP

A3929 Crouch 01/31/11 referred to codes. Amd S400.00, Pen L Clarifies that licenses to carry firearms may be issued to non-resident individuals. NYSCC Position: NP

A3941 Englebright   01/31/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Add Art 4 SS4.01 - 4.05, amd S13.03, Pks & Rec L Makes various provisions for the protection and management of the state park system, including codification of the New York State park system; makes provision for land classification. NYSCC Position: NP

A4000A Budget 02/25/11 amend and recommit to ways and means. Same as S 2800-A BUDGET BILL. 02/25/11 AMEND AND RECOMMIT TO FINANCE. Makes appropriations for the support of government - State Operations Budget. NYSCC Position: NP

A4001 Budget 02/01/11 referred to ways and means. Same as S 2801 BUDGET BILL. 02/01/11 REFERRED TO FINANCE.  Makes appropriations for the support of government - Legislative and Judiciary Budget. NYSCC Position: NP

A4002 Budget 02/01/11 referred to ways and means. Same as S 2802 BUDGET BILL. 02/01/11 REFERRED TO FINANCE. Makes appropriations for the support of government - State Debt Service Budget. NYSCC Position: NP

A4003A Budget 02/25/11 amend and recommit to ways and means. Same as S 2803-A BUDGET BILL. 02/25/11 AMEND AND RECOMMIT TO FINANCE. Makes appropriations for the support of government - Aid To Localities Budget. NYSCC Position: NP

A4004A Budget 02/25/11 amend and recommit to ways and means. Same as S 2804-A BUDGET BILL. 02/25/11 AMEND AND RECOMMIT TO FINANCE. Makes appropriations for the support of government - Capital Projects Budget. NYSCC Position: NP

A4010A Budget 02/25/11 amend (t) and recommit to ways and means. Same as S 2810-A BUDGET BILL. 02/25/11 AMEND (T) AND RECOMMIT TO FINANCE.  Amd Various Laws, generally … repeals the Tug Hill commission; amends the "I love NY waterways" boating safety account … makes certain pesticide registration time frames and fees permanent; authorizes the commissioner of agriculture and markets to establish a competitive grants program; relates to the health food/communities initiative; authorizes the establishment of a revolving loan fund for agricultural programs; and relates to state aid for farmers' markets; … increases the term of licensure and registration from two to four years; … NYSCC Position: NP

A4117 Butler 02/01/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S11-0715, En Con L Provides that a resident of the state for a period of three months prior to the date of application and who is otherwise qualified for certain hunting, fishing and big game licenses and who has a disability as defined in the executive law shall be entitled to receive such license at 50% of the cost set by statute. NYSCC Position: NP

A4125 Englebright 02/01/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S49-0212, En Con L Requires the chief executive of any county, town or village which acquires an interest in land for open space, environmental and/or historic preservation purposes or park purposes, to make certain findings as to the need for such acquisition for such purposes, and such findings and documents relating thereto shall be filed with the respective county clerk, town clerk or village clerk and made available to the public for not less than 90 days. NYSCC Position:  NP

A4129 Englebright 02/01/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S13-0341, En Con L Makes changes in description of the fish habitat protection zone for the north shoreline of the Long Island sound. NYSCC Position: NP

A4135 Englebright 02/01/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add Art 13 Title 7 SS13-0701 - 13-0709, En Con L Establishes the marine life protection task force within the department of environmental conservation; such task force is directed to determine the laws, rules and regulations providing protection to marine life in the marine and coastal district and assess the effectiveness thereof; also shall be required to inventory and map the various species of marine life at the sites within the marine and coastal district, and determine whether such species need further protection; the task force shall propose a marine life protection plan and a timetable for the implementation thereof to the commissioner of environmental conservation, governor and legislative leaders to assure adequate protection of marine life in the state; such plan shall include proposed legislation; such task force shall study the feasibility of municipal regulation of marine life reserves. NYSCC Position: NP

A4169 Weprin 02/01/11 referred to codes. Amd S265.01, Pen L Provides that certain people may not possess antique firearms, black powder firearms, or muzzle loading firearms. NYSCC Position:  AR

A4193 Glick 02/02/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Add S99-t, St Fin L; add S623, Tax L; add S18-104.1, NYC Ad Cd Creates New York city parks, tree and urban forestry fund; provides that taxpayers may contribute to such fund by indication on state tax return form by having refund or portion thereof be credited to such fund or indicating that an overpayment, or portion thereof shall be credited to such fund; provides that the monies of such fund shall be used for the planting of trees and shrubs, park preservation and expansion, maintenance and improvement of botanical gardens in New York city. NYSCC Position: NP

A4231 Barclay 02/02/11 referred to transportation. Amd S2222, V & T L Authorizes certain businesses to issue registration certificates and to assign registration numbers to snowmobiles. NYSCC Position:  AR

A4233 Barclay 02/02/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S11-0715, En Con L Allows the county of Onondaga to retain twenty percent of the gross proceeds from the sale of any fishing license in such county to residents of such county. NYSCC Position: AR

A4615 Englebright 02/04/11 referred to agriculture. Same as S 427 KRUEGER 01/05/11 REFERRED TO AGRICULTURE. Add S357-a, Ag & Mkts L Prohibits any person from transporting, holding, buying, selling, giving, receiving or marketing a nonambulatory animal unless such animal is first humanely euthanized without undue delay from the time that such animal becomes nonambulatory; makes certain exceptions; provides violation provisions; and defines relevant terms. NYSCC Position: AR

A4652 Englebright 02/04/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S13-0349, En Con L Authorizes the taking of surf clams or ocean quahogs by mechanical means from the Atlantic Ocean for commercial purposes if the vessel is 90 feet in length or less. NYSCC Position: AR

A4729 Reilly : 02/07/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 2363 SEWARD 01/19/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S11-0501, En Con L Eliminate term limits for members on regional fish and wildlife boards. NYSCC Position: AR

A4781 Magee 02/07/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S24-0701, En Con L Relates to selectively cutting timber and exclusion of current best management practices from regulated activities. NYSCC Position: AR

A4801 Kavanagh 02/08/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add Art 71 Title 45 SS71-4501 - 71-4513, amd S71-1311, En Con L Enacts "private environmental law enforcement act"; authorizes any private citizen who has an interest which is or may be adversely affected to commence civil judicial actions for injunctive or declaratory relief to remedy environmental harms under certain circumstances; provides that such action may be commenced against any person for any violation of an administrative or court order compelling an investigation or remediation of an inactive hazardous waste disposal site. NYSCC Position: AR

A4993 Mayersohn 02/10/11 referred to transportation. Same as S 1790 STAVISKY 01/12/11 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION. Amd S1193, V & T L Provides for the mandatory revocation of a driver's license for certain convictions under the penal law, followed by a period of one year of operating with a probationary license; such license would permit operation of a vehicle for employment, education, medical and dental purposes only. NYSCC Position: AR

A5016 Magee 02/10/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 553 LITTLE 01/05/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S9-0105, En Con L Authorizes the forest ranger force to establish a training program for volunteer search and rescue personnel to assist the forest rangers in wild, remote and forested areas of the state. NYSCC Position: AR

A5030 Thiele 02/10/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 3178 LAVALLE 02/10/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S13-0329, En Con L Provides that lobster permits shall be transferable between persons who each possess a food fish license. NYSCC Position:  AR

A5096 Oaks 02/11/11 referred to local governments. Amd S209-q, Gen Muni L Relates to the completion of training programs for environmental conservation officers as sworn members of the division of law enforcement in the New York state department of environmental conservation. NYSCC Position:  NP

A5102 Oaks 02/11/11 referred to energy.  Add Art 12 SS236 - 242, Pub Serv L Establishes the "Natural Gas Infrastructure Act"; further creates the natural gas infrastructure grant fund for the purpose of subsidizing up to fifty percent of the total cost of projects by the county industrial development agency intended to extend natural gas supply facilities to rural areas for economic development purposes by the construction of natural gas distribution facilities. NYSCC Position: AR

A5192 Amedore  02/14/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 3244 FARLEY 02/14/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S11-0931, En Con L Permits the discharge of a longbow over water by a person bow fishing if no dwelling, house, or public structure, livestock or person is situated in the line of discharge less than 500 feet from the point of discharge. NYSCC Position: AR

A5246 Titone 02/14/11 referred to agriculture. Add Art 26-C SS420 - 428, amd SS401 & 402, Ag & Mkts L; add S98-d, St Fin L Relates to the registration and regulation of animal breeders; requires each to be licensed; creates a breeder licensing fund; exempts not-for-profit organizations. NYSCC Position: NP

A5318 Sweeney 02/15/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 3455 GRISANTI 02/23/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd SS15-1501 - 15-1503, 15-1505, 15-1521, 15-1529 & 71-1127, add S15-1504, rpld Art 15 Titles 16 & 33, En Con L Relates to the regulation of the use of the state's water resources; requires permits for interbasin diversions of water and approval of modification to existing systems; increases fees for water supply permits. NYSCC Position: AR

A5342 Kavanagh 02/16/11 referred to codes. Add SS265.45, 265.18, 265.19 & 265.27, amd SS60.05 & 80.00, Pen L; amd S661, Ed L Enacts the Gun Trafficking Prevention Act; creates offenses of illegal gun trafficking, criminal possession of a weapon by a minor, criminal use of a weapon by a minor, and lost or stolen firearm to be reported; also amends penalties and eligibility for tuition awards by students on probation or parole for weapons convictions. NYSCC Position: AR

A5346 Sweeney 02/16/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add Art 19 Title 13 SS19-1301 - 19-1307, En Con L Relates to global warming pollution control; establishes greenhouse gas limits and a greenhouse gas reporting system. NYSCC Position: AR

A5347 Thiele  02/16/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S13-0309, En Con L Relates to permits to mechanically harvest surf clams and ocean quahogs from New York's waters of the Atlantic Ocean. NYSCC Position: NP

A5481 Englebright 02/22/11 referred to environmental conservation. Establishes a moratorium on the taking of horseshoe crabs or the eggs of horseshoe crabs by any person, unless such taking is for scientific or educational purposes. NYSCC Position: AR

A5482 Englebright 02/22/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S57-0124, En Con L Authorizes certified prescribed burning in the Long Island central pine barrens; defines terms; requires a burn manager to be present; requires authorization from the department of environmental conservation prior to any burning; further requires the department of environmental conservation to promulgate any necessary rules for the use of prescribed burning and for certifying and decertifying certified prescribed burn managers based on their past experience, training and record of compliance with this section; provides that no person shall be liable for damage or injury caused by fire or resulting smoke unless gross negligence is proven. NYSCC Position: AR

A5487 Magee 02/22/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Same as S 554 LITTLE  02/28/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Amd S25.19, Pks & Rec L Authorizes persons under the age of fourteen to participate in special events involving snowmobiles. NYSCC Position: AR

A5520 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to transportation. Same as S 1341 DILAN 01/06/11 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION. Amd SS10, 102 & 140, Hway L; amd S1265, Pub Auth L Authorizes the lease of lands adjacent to state, county and town highways for operation of wind or solar electric generating systems; authorizes the metropolitan transportation authority to enter into such leases. NYSCC Position: NP

A5530 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Same as S 2747 SERRANO : 01/31/11 REFERRED TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION. Add SS13.18 & 13.20, Pks & Rec L Directs the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation or other state agency having jurisdiction of a state park or recreational facility to establish a 3 year and a 5 year access fee that is valid in all state parks and recreational facilities. NYSCC Position: AR

A5532 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd S11-0707, En Con L Provides that mentally disabled patient residents of a facility operated by a not-for-profit corporation may fish without a license. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5541 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development.  Same as S 2393 SERRANO 01/19/11 REFERRED TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION. Add S14.11, Pks & Rec L Requires the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation to preserve and maintain state historic sites that are closed for more than a month. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5547 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to environmental conservation. Establishes a moratorium on conducting hydraulic fracturing for the extraction of natural gas or oil until 120 days after federal Environmental Protection Agency issues a report on the effects of hydraulic fracturing on water quality and public health.  NYSCC Position: AR 

A5555 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S27-0709, En Con L Provides for the regulation of landfill methane gas control flares for the protection of raptors. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5557 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to environmental conservation. Amd SS27-1003 & 27-1012, En Con L; amd SS92-s & 97-mm, St Fin L Imposes a refundable deposit on wine and liquor containers; provides that unredeemed deposits thereon be deposited into the environmental protection fund and the state park infrastructure fund. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5579 Englebright 02/23/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development.  Add Art 13-A SS13.51 - 13.55, Pks & Rec L Regulates the closure and reduction in use of state parks, recreational facilities and historic sites; requires the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation to publish a parks informational closure report and hold public hearings thereon; requires state legislative approval of any such action. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5638 Sweeney 02/28/11 reference changed to environmental conservation. Amd S71-2303, En Con L Requires restoration of areas adjacent to wetlands by those persons who, following procedures set forth in law, have been directed to cease violation and to restore the affected wetlands. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5676 Englebright 02/25/11 referred to environmental conservation. Same as S 2748 SERRANO : 01/31/11 REFERRED TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION. Amd S3.17, Pks & Rec L Requires the commissioner of parks, recreation and historic preservation to acquire the mineral interests under all land acquired or received by the state for the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation, unless the commissioner of parks, recreation and historic preservation finds that the land is of great significance and importance to the state. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5677 Englebright  02/25/11 referred to environmental conservation. Add S13.31, Pks & Rec L Prohibits fracturing and horizontal drilling for natural gas or oil on land operated by the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation and within 1 mile thereof. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5712 Englebright 02/25/11 referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development. Provides for the establishment of regional conservation partnership trusts to raise and disburse funds to not-for-profit entities managing partnership parks, and other state and local conservation activity; provides matching state grants to such trusts. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5765 Tobacco 02/28/11 referred to cities. Amd S5, Chap 759 of 1973 Extends time period for the conveyance of lands for the establishment of Gateway National Recreation Area until May 1, 2013. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5828  Gunther 03/02/11 referred to real property taxation. Prohibits assessors from increasing the assessments of forestland based on the stumpage value of the trees thereon; establishes the forestland taxation task force to study and make recommendations on the assessment and taxation of privately owned forestlands. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5866 Jeffries 03/02/11 referred to codes. Same as S 3573 ADAMS 02/25/11 REFERRED TO CODES. Amd S265.00, Pen L Makes all large capacity ammunition feeding devices, regardless of date of manufacture, subject to the provisions of the penal law. NYSCC Position: AR 

A5897 Kavanagh 03/02/11 referred to codes. Same as S 2169 GOLDEN 01/18/11 REFERRED TO CODES. Add S265.18, Pen L Provides enhanced sentencing for the offenses of criminal possession of a weapon and criminal sale of a firearm where such offenses occur at the residence of a child under age of fourteen. NYSCC Position: NP

A5904 Kavanagh 03/02/11 referred to codes. Same as S 1407 GOLDEN 01/07/11 REFERRED TO CODES. Amd SS265.09 & 70.02, rpld S265.08, Pen L; amd S509-cc, V & T L; amd S410, Gen Bus L Relates to criminal use of a firearm in the first degree.  NYSCC Position: NP

S283   MAZIARZ 01/05/11 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION. Amd SS1193, 1196 & 510, V & T L; amd S49-a, Nav L Enacts the "Guy Kyler Act"; provides for the suspension of vessel operation privileges, suspension of a vessel registration and motor vehicle licenses and registrations upon the conviction for the operation of a vessel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. NYSCC Position: AR 

S440   KRUEGER 01/05/11 REFERRED TO CODES.Add S245.13, Pen L Prohibits the dissemination of depictions of animal cruelty. NYSCC Position: AR 

S492   ROBACH 01/05/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION.  Amd S56-0507, En Con L Authorizes the state to act as an agent of a municipality (to which state assistance has been provided) in the form of parens patriae, upon written request made by a municipality to the commissioner of environmental conservation and to the attorney general, to recover a municipality's share of the cost of an environmental restoration project from the responsible parties; provides that where a municipality has requested the state to so act to recover its share of the costs of an environmental restoration project, then that portion of such monies recovered or reimbursed which represents the proportionate share of the costs incurred by the municipality for each such project shall be paid out of such funds to the municipality by the comptroller upon the presentation of a claim therefor. NYSCC Position: NP

S493 ROBACH 01/05/11 REFERRED TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS, TOURISM, PARKS AND RECREATION. Add S13.20, Pks & Rec L Provides that a person who is a veteran of the wars of the United States be permitted to use any of the state park golf courses in this state without the payment of any fees or other charges for the use of such state park golf courses. NYSCC Position: AR 

S770 YOUNG  02/28/11 ADVANCED TO THIRD READING. Amd S301, Ag & Mkts L Includes game birds bred pursuant to a game bird license within the definition of "crops, livestock and livestock products" for purposes of agricultural districts. NYSCC Position: NP

S787   YOUNG 01/05/11 REFERRED TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Prohibits assessors from increasing the assessments of forestland based on the stumpage value of the trees thereon; establishes the forestland taxation task force to study and make recommendations on the assessment and taxation of privately owned forestlands. NYSCC Position: AR 

S798 YOUNG 01/05/11 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION. Amd S2282, V & T L Provides for an exemption requirement from registration for ATVs operated on lands owned by the owner or to which the owner has certain contractual rights when the ATV is not operated elsewhere in the state and no consideration is paid to the owner for operation. NYSCC Position: NP

S857 YOUNG  01/05/11 REFERRED TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Amd S305, RPT L Excludes the value of trees for the purposes of real property tax assessments in the counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates. NYSCC Position: NP

S891 KRUEGER 01/05/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION.  Add Art 71 Title 45 SS71-4501 - 71-4513, amd S71-1311, En Con L Relates to enforcement actions for violations of the environmental conservation law. NYSCC Position: NP

S1848 OPPENHEIMER 01/13/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Add Art 71 Title 45 SS71-4501 - 71-4513, amd S71-1311, En Con L Enacts "private environmental law enforcement act"; authorizes any private citizen who has an interest which is or may be adversely affected to commence civil judicial actions for injunctive or declaratory relief to remedy environmental harms under certain circumstances; provides that such action may be commenced against any person for any violation of an administrative or court order compelling an investigation or remediation of an inactive hazardous waste disposal site. NYSCC Position: NP

S1889 OPPENHEIMER 01/13/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIO. Amd SS11-0535, 71-0925 & 71-0921, En Con L Provides for the protection of habitats of endangered and threatened species by directing the department of environmental conservation to designate essential habitats of such species and to regulate activities affecting such habitats; defines the term "essential habitat"; provides procedures for the designation by such department of essential habitats of threatened or endangered species; provides for public hearings and preliminary designations of essential habitats; promulgates regulations governing the designation of such habitats; requires such department to promulgate specific guidelines, standards and criteria that directly relate to each area; provides for real property tax abatement authorizations for such designated areas. NYSCC Position: NP

S2073 KRUGER 01/18/11 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION. Amd S49-a, Nav L; amd S1193, V & T L Provides for the suspension of a driver's license upon a conviction of boating while intoxicated and for the suspension of the privilege to operate a vessel upon the waters of this state upon a conviction of driving while ability impaired or driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. NYSCC Position: AR 

S2161 MCDONALD 01/18/11 REFERRED TO FINANCE. Rpld Part H & Part KK, Chap 59 of 2009 Relates to the repeal of parts H and KK of chapter 59 of the laws of 2009 relating to fees for license plates and fees for hunting, fishing and trapping licenses.
NYSCC Position: NP

S2246 KRUGER 01/18/11 REFERRED TO CRIME VICTIMS, CRIME AND CORRECTION. Amd S701, Cor L Provides that a certificate of relief from disabilities shall not enable a violent felony offender to obtain a license to carry, possess, repair or dispose of a firearm. NYSCC Position: NP

S2364 SEWARD 01/19/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S11-1909, En Con L Relates to private trout and black bass hatcheries. NYSCC Position: AR 

S2367  SEWARD 01/19/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S11-0713, En Con L Directs department of environmental conservation to establish a program to permit purchase of fishing licenses through the internet. NYSCC Position: AR 
S2486 LITTLE 01/24/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S11-0905, En Con L Establishes the open season for hunting coyotes as October 1 through May 31. NYSCC Position: AR 

S2537  DEFRANCISCO 01/25/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd SS11-0702 & 11-0715, En Con L Relates to 20 percent of gross receipts of fishing license fees in the county of Onondaga to be retained and expended to offset the costs of the Carpenter's Brook fish hatchery. NYSCC Position: AR 
S2697 AVELLA 01/28/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Rpld Art 15 Title 33, amd En Con L, generally Relates to natural gas development using hydraulic fracturing; enacts provisions to ensure natural gas development practices will be sustainable and safe. NYSCC Position: NP

S3189 RANZENHOFER 02/11/11 REFERRED TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Amd S480-a, RPT L Exempts certain old growth forests from private property taxation. NYSCC Position: AR 

S3495 MARCELLINO 02/23/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Add S49-0217, En Con L Establishes prior to the disposition of land by state agencies and authorities the state land acquisition advisory council shall review such land; establishes if certain criteria is met such land shall be transferred to the department of environmental conservation. NYSCC Position: AR 

S3519 JOHNSON 02/24/11 REFERRED TO FINANCE. Amd S97-nn, St Fin L; add Art 4 Part 4-A S74-a, Nav L; add S11-0541, En Con L Establishes the aquatic invasive species volunteer steward program within the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation; such program shall use volunteers to collect information on alien plants and animals in state water, and educate boaters thereon; imposes an annual $6 permit fee upon non-motorized vessels and requires the revenue therefrom to be deposited into the I love NY waterways vessel access account. NYSCC Position: AR 

S3524 RANZENHOFER 02/24/11 REFERRED TO CODES. Amd S265.20, Pen L Authorizes possession of a rifle or shotgun at a shooting range by a person between the ages of ten and twelve under the immediate supervision of certain authorized persons. NYSCC Position: AR 

S3539 VALESKY 02/24/11 REFERRED TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. Amd S1, Chap 483 of 2010 Adds the short title "Robert R. Ripberger crossbow legalization act" to chapter 483 of the laws of 2010. NYSCC Position: AR

Glossary of Legislative Terms
NYSCC Positions:  S = support; O = oppose;  SA = support with amendments;  SC = support, but with concerns; 
      AR = awaits review by NYSCC; NP = no position by NYSCC
Held for Consideration:  A bill fails to get sufficient votes to pass out of committee.
Rules Committee:  A committee in each house, led by its majority leader, through which all bills must pass after a designated date.
Reported:  The date on which a bill is placed on a floor calendar to be considered for a house vote, or the date on which a bill is sent to another committee for further consideration.
Referred:  The date on which a bill is given to a particular committee for consideration.
Ordered to Third Reading:  means that a bill reported out of its respective house committee and, by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill was ordered directly to the Third Reading Calendar. Each house has its own calendar.

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