
Friday, March 4, 2011

Genesee County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs.

Minutes of February 22, 2011

Present:  (Oatka Fish and Game Club - Glen Adams Rep, Doug Worthington Alt)(Genesee Conservation Foundation –Larry Allen Rep, Jeff Waterman Alt) (Northwoods Sportsmen’s Assoc. – Angelo Steffenella rep) (S.C.O.P.E.-Genesee Co.- Chris lamb rep)(Genesee County Fish and Game Protective Assoc. – Ken Alfes alt, guests; Dave King Timm Sloat, Catherine Gleber, Russ Gleber, Shawn Arnett, Dean L. Kerr, Dave Knapp), (Batavia Rod and Gun Club Inc. Marc George alt) (Sportsmen Coon Hunters Assoc.- Roger Rada Rep) (Alabama Hunt Club Inc. Paul Hofmaster Rep) (NYS Bowhunters Inc- Jody Ferrara Rep)

Meeting called to order by President Larry Allen at 7:30 PM.

  • Motion made by Ken Alfes and second by Roger Rada to approve the November 2011 minutes as distributed.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report by Angelo Steffenella.
 Respectfully submitted for audit by Angelo Steffenella. 
  • Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Jody Ferrara and second by Mark George.  Motion carried.
Correspondence:  NYSCC grass roots news, flyer for Utah &Florida Concealed Carry Class by instructor Jim Carr.  Genesee County Soil and water request for Donation to Genesee county envirothon, NYSCC Dues notice.

Old Business:

Larry Allen wants it noted we did not have a January Meeting for the record.

Several of our reps went to Albany last January 25, this was the reason for our canceling the January Federation meeting.  Jody Ferrara was working at the NYS Bowhunters table giving out information.  Chris Lamb, Jeff Waterman, I and others from S.C.O.P.E- Genesee County had talks with Steve Hawley and Michael Ranzenhofer, thanking them for their support on opposing much of the bad gun legislation being proposed.  We also talked with both about lowering the age a youth can legally handle a firearm with supervision.  Also discussed were rifle hunting bills of Wyoming, Ontario, Chatauqua and other counties, Daniel Burrling was the sponsor of the Wyoming county bill.  Senator Gavin has sponsored the Senate bill.

New Business:

Nominations for officers of the Genesee County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs. 
Current officers are:
President Larry Allen
Vice President Roger Rada
Treasurer Angelo Steffenella
Secretary Glen Adams

  • Motion made by Roger Rada to re-elect the current slate of officers, Second by Chris Lanb.  Motion Carried unanimously. 
Dave Knapp of Genesee County Fish and Game protective association stated that Livingston County is planning to have a National Hunting and Fishing Day celebration at the East Avon Headquarters of Region 8 this year.  The Genesee County Fish and Game protective association is going forward with their planned celebration at Godfrey’s pond.  The will be having a meeting soon at a date to be determined and will be sending out a notice.

All were reminded that Dues are due and some asked for another dues notice. Glen will give them one after the meeting.

  • Motion made byKen Alfes to donate $100 to the County Soil and Water for the Youth Envirothon, Second by Chris Lamb.   Motion carried.
  • Motion made by Chris Lamb to pay our NYSCC dues of $200.00 and second by Ken Alfes.  Motion carried.
  • Motion made by Ken Alfes to pay our FLCC dues of $35.00 and second by Chris Lamb.  Motion carried.
  • Motion made by Roger Rada to reimburse Glen Adams for Registration, lodging, gas tolls and reasonable expenses to attend the NYSCC Legislation meeting for Genesee County.  Motion carried.
Jody Ferrara stated the NYS Bowhunters are looking to have two children one male and one female from each county Federation of region eight attend their camp June 24, 25 and 26th.  They are also looking for the counties to make a donation to cover the cost of each child approximately $35 per youth.  It is a region 8 event looking for youth age 11 to 16.  The camp has the DEC bow hunter class.  NY Bowhunters needs to know by our April meeting.  They are looking for one boy and girl from Genesee CountyIf each club proposed two youth for Genesee County the names could be put into a hat and drawn out to represent Genesee County.  This is to be revisited before the April meeting.

Jeff Waterman warned us about a gun bill in the senate that would require the registration of all firearms and have a charge of $15 per gun.  Call your senator and ask him to oppose this bill.
Wilson Conservation Club is hosting an Crossbow event on April 16th Route 425 in Wilson.  They have indoor and outdoor ranges for their demonstrations.

Roger Rada attended the meeting about the STAMP project.  He reports that they know the State property (John White Game Management Area) will be hard for them to get.  Roger states that at the meeting they heard about how the Game management area is used for hunting, dog training, youth hunts and various activities.  The project is in need of a lot of infrastructure, water, sewer and roads.  The traffic studies mentioned indicated no problem although Roger iterates that anyone who knows the area knows it is now a heavy flow area at times.  Route 77 would have to be widened to four lanes from the Thruway to Alabama.  Many locals voiced that the study was bogus.  A similar project in Cheektowaga has not progressed.  The access to power from Niagara Falls is here but there is no guarantee that the low rates will be available.  Roger states that currently the project looks like a pipe dream to justify large salaries.  Steve Hyde the director of the development agency has been fully informed about what is involved in obtaining state Lands, especially if our organization stays involved.
Jeff Waterman asked a question about crossbow training and if the Hunter Instructors among us knew what is involved.  We expect hear about it at this year’s refresher course.

Waterfowl Task force is meeting April 23.  Ken Alfes will be attending and representing us at the meeting.

Club news:

Oatka Fish and Game Club Inc had two raffles going on the First is a youth raffle $5 per ticket and three for $10.  Prizes are a Large Flat Screen TV, cordless drill and membership to Oatka.
The Second Raffle is a $20 ticket for 15 guns, food and refreshments to take place in June.

Alabama Hunt Club Inc.  Gun show in Batavia Mothers day week end.

Sportsmen Coon Hunters Assoc.  Steak dinner and Gun Faffle Sunday in June $20 ticket See Roger for tickets.

Next meeting at 7:00 PM March 29th at Godfrey’s pond.  This will be our potluck Game Sampler Meeting.  Bring a game dish to share; if not game something you like will be fine.

  • Ken Alfes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was second by Roger Rada.  Motion carried.


Glen A. Adams
14 Washington St.
Le Roy, NY 14482
Phone 585-768-6278

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