
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Genesee County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

Present: New York Bowhunters Inc., Genesee Conservation Foundation Inc., Oatka Fish and Game Club Inc., S.C.O.P.E.-Genesee County, Northwoods Sportsmen’s Association, Alabama Hunt Club Inc., Sportsmen’s Coon Hunters Association, Bergen Rod and Gun Club Inc., Genesee County Fish and Game Protective Association, Batavia Rod and Gun Club Inc.

Guest Doug Worthington and Chris Rice (Orleans County Youth Trap shooting)

Meeting called to Order at 7:32 by President Larry Allen

  • Motion to approve minutes of October, 2010 as distributed by Paul Hofmaster (Alabama Hunt Club Inc.) and second by Larry Hilderbrant (New York Bowhunters Inc.).  Motion carried.
Treasurers Report by Angelo Steffenella
September 29th to October 26th, 2010.

  • Motion to accept report for audit by Chris Lamb (S.C.O.P.E.-Genesee County) and second by Gil McBroom (Bergen Rod and Gun Club Inc.)   Motion carried.


News of NYS governors, firing of NYS DEC commissioner Peter Grannis and appointment of acting DEC commissioner Peter Iwanowicz.

Old Business:

NYSCC board of Directors passed a motion opposing the swap of any of the John White Management Area land.

Chris Lamb state that Assemblymen Daniel Burrling and Stephen Hawley will get behind lowering age to handle a firearm to 10 years of age.

New business:

Chris Rice presented information on Scholatic Clay Target Program and a youth Trap league in Orleans county and trying to expand it into other neighboring counties.  One such program is AIM an academic program with membership in the American Trap Association (ATA) that requires a $25 registration, coaches must participate in NRA training school and another the SCTP which is popular in several areas.  This program has a 15$ application fee for youth, State and National championships.  The Orleans Clay Crushers (youth program) began 4 years and currently has 26 children shooting in the program.  They shoot ATA registered targets and compete in state shoots.  They shoot late March to August with practice on Sunday afternoons for youth only.  The currently are hosted at the Barre Rod and Gun Club.  The have a wall chart for dry fire exercises.  The youth bring two boxes of shells and their sponsors provide tow boxes of shells and offset cost for the Youth.

Gill McBroom states that Bergen Rod and Gun Club will be hosting a Turkey shoot November 14th.

Ken Alfes brought up the fact the Genesee Fish and Game Protective Association at Godfrey’s Pond are discussing a Genesee County Hunting and Fishing Day celebration for 2011 and wants to know if the Clubs and Federation would like to get behind and support this event.  There will be a November 12th meeting of the Genesee Fish and Game Protective Association.  Talk it up at your clubs and find out if they can support and participate in this endeavor, so that we can determine if we can participate in a Genesee County, National Hunting and Fishing Day Celebration.

Election Day is coming up and need vote for the best candidates that support second amendment and sportsmen activities.

Roger Rada, Discussed the NYS DEC plans to make the Moose River Pains wilderness only.  This would close down areas that are currently available for the public to camp along the road.  This will make it inaccessible to the aging population.  DEC has done nothing to maintain roads and many other areas are being affected similarly.  Our (Genesee County Federation) position is we need the state to put money back into maintaining these roads and push fees to hikers, canoe-ers and birdwatchers that are using these areas but not contributing to their maintenance.

Ken Alfes mentioned he has application in for SCOPE membership and they are working for Concealed Carry in Genesee County.

Genesee County Raffle
Total Tickets sold 267 tickets for $1335.00 income.
Printing                                   $     54.00
Red Osier gift certificates       $   100.00
Rife and scope Lou Lang to finalize.

Winning tickets drawn from a barrel by President Larry Allen.
First Prize 30/06 rifle and scope - Dennis Schrieber 127 Burnt Mill Rd. Churchville, NY
Second Prize $100 gift certificate Red Osier restaurant-Pat Mooney 1 Jefferson Ave, Le Roy, NY.

  • Motion to adjourn by Lou Lang and second by Ken Alfes. Motion carried.

Next Meeting at Godfrey’s Pond on November 30th at 7:30 PM

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