
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Senator Mike Nozzolio on Election Day

Fellow firearms owners & sportsmen! Mike has fought for our Second amendment rights for many years. He has fought against micro-stamping , COBIS & is "our" Senator who stands up to those on the other side of our values.We have to hold our slim majority in the NY Senate, if we loose our very slim majority you can guarantee NY states Legislative leaders will redistrict the state..and to be blunt; if you think we're getting short change now~ well you get the picture!
 Regards, "BlackPowder" Bill

State Senate candidate Ed O'Shea, a liberal college professor, wants to restrict your Constitutional right to bear arms.  Ed O'Shea has explicitly stated that he supports: ·       
Wasteful and outrageous micro stamping for law-abiding gun owners; ·      
 New intrusive restrictions on purchasing firearms; ·      
 More unnecessary regulations on law-abiding gun owners;

Please take the time to exercise your right to vote on Tuesday, November 2nd and help defeat Ed O'Shea - a liberal Democrat and Working Families Party candidate who wants to take away one of your most fundamental American rights - the right to bear arms! Senator Mike Nozzolio has earned our support. 

 He opposes any effort to restrict our Second Amendment Rights. 

Senator Mike Nozzolio has always received the highest ratings from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Shooters Committee on Political Education (SCOPE), and was awarded this month as PATRIOT of the YEAR by the Wayne County Division of SCOPE.  
Senator Nozzolio has been honored in the past as “Legislator of the Year” by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. 
Please vote for Senator Mike Nozzolio on Election Day,  Tuesday, November 2nd P.S.  Please share this message with others who are as concerned as you are about preserving and protecting your 2nd Amendment Rights.

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