
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Help Mike Nozzolio make cuts in Albany

Cut Albany Poll by Senator Mike Nozzolio

Welcome to “YOU CUT ALBANY: Citizens Cutting Government Waste”. This new on-line tool is designed to enable taxpayers throughout the State to cast votes for specific wasteful spending items that they would like to see eliminated from the State Budget.

This initiative provides taxpayers an opportunity to vote online and give their opinions on which specific programs should be eliminated. Those that receive the most votes will be used by Senator Nozzolio and his Senate Republican colleagues -- both in discussions at the Budget Conference Committee tables, and on the floor of the State Senate.

On a regular basis, new spending items will be added to the list for consideration and a new round of on-line voting by New York taxpayers will be held.

The “YOU CUT ALBANY: Citizens Cutting Government Waste” initiative is modeled on the successful “You Cut” federal program that was recently launched by Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia.

YOU CUT ALBANY lets hardworking taxpayers speak out and take direct action regarding wasteful spending by their State government. By working together, we can highlight wasteful and unnecessary spending practices, and help save New York taxpayers millions of dollars each year.

The five spending items which are eligible to be voted on in the initial round of on-line balloting can be found below. (Please select one)

Follow the link at the top of the article.
Thanks BPB

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