
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Youth Trapping Camp

Youth Trapping Camp

A Youth Trapping Camp is scheduled for over the Columbus Day weekend in western New York this fall. This first of its kind program for the northeast United States is sponsored by The New York State Trappers Association (NYSTA) in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) at DEC’s Camp Rushford in Alleghany County. The Youth Trapping Camp will be held October 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2010. Campers need to plan on arriving about supper time Friday night and stay until after lunch on Monday.

The NYSTA has designed this Youth Trapping Camp to extend and enhance the State’s current 8 hour long Trapper Education Class, which is required of all new trappers regardless of age. The program will allow for in-depth learning of the topics; history and ethics, types and correct uses of traps, disease and biology of management of fur bearers as well as the humane treatment of our naturally renewable resource.
The DEC will issue permits to set traps and possess fur bearers for processing so youth will have the full experience of trapping. There will be an experienced trapping mentor for every one or two youth to insure close hands-on lessons.
This Youth Trapping Camp will be for 12-15 year-olds only. They do not have to have their Trappers Education certificate before the camp as there will be the chance to get it through the scheduled weekend events.

NYSTA is excited about offering this learning opportunity to our young people at a time when there are so many other activities being offered youth of this age and drawing them away from learning about the out-of-doors. There is a fee of $40.00 per student to cover the cost of food and supplies. By State policy there is no charge for instruction for the Trappers Education Class given by NYS volunteer instructors. There is a limit of 25 youth for this camp. NYSTA is also asking for donations to help defray the costs of putting on the Youth Trapping Camp.
The camp will be staffed by NYSTA members with DEC assistance where their expertise is better used. A few other states have similar programs and report them to be wonderful experiences for the young trappers.

Applications for the Youth Trapping Camp and any other information can be obtained from

Pat Arnold at Phone number 315-644-4643

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