
Monday, June 21, 2010

Senator Mike Nozzolio on S.6005

Last week, the New York State Senate began debate on S.6005, legislation that would require semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in New York State to be capable of microstamping ammunition. Over the course of the last few weeks, I received thousands of letters, calls and emails from constituents, like yourself, who are outraged with this ridiculous and irresponsible proposal. The New York City Senators who are pushing this bill say its purpose is to control guns and reduce crime.

Their arguments for this legislation are off base and not based on accurate information. Not only does the process of microstamping ammunition rely on unproven technology that will undoubtedly waste even more taxpayer dollars -- it is also ineffective at identifying criminals! The very shallow markings on microstamped bullets can be easily removed through the use of common household tools! When this measure came before the full State Senate for debate and vote, I cast my vote against this disastrous bill.

When it became obvious that the measure was going to fail, Senator Eric Schneiderman, the sponsor of the bill asked to have it withdrawn and no further action was taken. Following the vote, Senator Eric Schneiderman, a New York City Democrat and sponsor of S.6005 stated, “I think the public outrage over essentially voting to protect gun criminals- shooters and murders- because of some mythical harm that might be done to legitimate gun owners is just not flying.”

These remarks make it clear that Senator Schneiderman and his fellow New York City Democrats who control the State Senate are completely out of touch when it comes to understanding the significant concerns that Upstate New Yorkers, like yourself, have with S.6005. Unfortunately, the New York City Democrats are determined to bring it up again and to push for its adoption by the New York State Senate. S. 6005 will not reduce crime.

It will, however, create another burdensome expense for every law-abiding gun owner in New York State. This legislation is just another step by the New York City legislators who control the State Senate in their never-ending assault on our Second Amendment rights. Please be assured that I will continue to stand with you in strong opposition to this legislation and will strongly oppose it if it is brought back before the State Senate.

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Your concerns and interests are of utmost importance to me and I ask that you never hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance with this or any matter.

With best wishes.

Senator Mike Nozzolio

Seneca Falls: 119 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148
(315) 568-9816
FAX: (315) 568-2090

Albany: Room 413,
Legislative Office Building,
Albany, NY 12247
(518) 455-2366 FAX: (518) 426-6953 Toll Free # 1-888-568-9816

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