
Thursday, May 20, 2010

H$U$ talks a good game on helping hunting groups and the government.

Here we go a reply to the sportsmen of WI. who have complained about the HSUS/DNR wildlife-don't touch adds.
My GOD according to the H$U$ they just jump right in and help all these hunting groups.
Most of the time the HSUS operative are violating a law when they do the undercover work or jump in and take the lead as an enforcement agency. The H$U$ is nothing more than a non-profit like ACORN was, self promotion and show me the money.


Madison(WQOW)- The Humane Society of the United States responds to recent criticism over a partnership with the DNR in a public service announcement.

The reaction is as follows: Some critics in the hunting community are short-sighted and guilty of extreme overreaction in criticizing The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for working with The Humane Society of the United States to educate the public about the illegal taking of wildlife. These are the same voices who falsely characterize our work and claim we should put more money into conservation efforts, yet they cry foul when we do just that. Their views are unreasonable and inaccurate.
No you're incorrect, our views are based on the H$U$ 50 years of history that tell us you are cherry picking your battles & chipping away at sportsmen's hunting opportunities.

The HSUS works with state and federal wildlife agencies and hunting groups to combat illegal poaching of wildlife, and we've offered over $190,000 through our rewards program to help crack down on wildlife crimes. We have donated robotic deer and other anti-poaching devices to law enforcement agencies, and we sponsor a team of rescued dogs who sniff out poachers with game wardens in California. Our Wildlife Land Trust program protects thousands of acres of wildlife habitat in 37 states and eight foreign countries.
The H$US does not work with anyone till you have threaten,beat down,intimidated & finally file your law suits and force the states to deal with you.
The H$US & you're affiliates have secret meetings with DNR's to force them to allow you a voice at teh sportsmen's table.

Your wildlife trust program is a real estate land grab, bent on helping to decrease the avaliability of land for sportsmen.

When it comes to hunting issues, we work to curb the most inhumane abuses, and that's what has led us most recently to campaign vigorously against canned hunting, Internet hunting and fox and coyote penning — practices that The HSUS and many rank-and-file hunters agree are abusive and unacceptable.

My only hope is that Feld Entertainment takes you full bore into court and strips the H$U$ of your fortunes for all the ill you've done to the tax payers of this nation.

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