
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Albany Anti-Gun Legislation~What Failed to pass

Subject: Albany Anti-Gun Legislation

All these bills failed to make it out of Assembly Codes today:

A-3477, Increases the types of firearms that are to be included in
the firearm ballistic identification database

A-4431, Requires defendant's full cooperation with any law
enforcement officer or district attorney who is investigating or
prosecuting unlawful gun trafficking

A-5272, Prohibits the attendance of children under eighteen years of
age at gun shows or stores by classifying such attendance as
unlawfully dealing with a child

A-5368, Makes it illegal to sell component parts of a pistol or
firearm to any person who does not possess a valid pistol permit

A-5695, Enacts provisions relating to the trafficking of weapons and
for the firearm, rifle and shotgun ballistic identification bank

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