
Monday, April 26, 2010

Treaty to regulate arms trade

James Fulmer U.S. reverses stance on
treaty to regulate arms trade | Reuters

The NMLRA will be speaking once again at the United Nations June 14th- June 16th. The importing and exporting of small arms and ammunition which includes our black powder ( Swiss. Schuetzen , etc. that are imported is again under attack. If you are not a m...ember of the National Rifle Association join if you are not a member of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association JOIN. I testified before the UN several years ago it is in the UN archives got to (NMLRA James Fulmer United Nations) you will find the text and a video. Watch the news and keep current with these changing times.

Here is Jim's 2006 report to the UN:

United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects 30 June 2006

Statement of James C. Fulmer National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association

Mr. President I am not a diplomat, in fact this is the first UN event that I have ever attended. For the record I am James C. Fulmer, Past President of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. Our organization is headquartered in Friendship, Indiana, in the United States of America.

We have over 20,000 members from all walks of life, men, women, young, and old. There also members from other countries from around the world. There are similar black powder associations like the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association in other parts of the world.

My organization did not speak at the 2001 Conference, although we were present at that event. Mr. President I have reviewed the proceeding of the 2001 Conference, including NGO statements. I have also been present here for the past few days listening and learning.

I am struck by something.

I am struck, by how little awareness there is on the part of many delegates and NGO representatives that there are such organizations as the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. In 2001 several groups such as Sporting Clays Association and the Single Action Shooting Society spoke. Groups like mine are not the large, active organization that you would usually associate with political issues. However, we do exist and we do represent people who use quote "small arms" unquote for a wonderful hobby.

Let me say that although we use muzzleloading antique or replica firearms that have long since ceased to be used in conflicts, we are not any less concerned by what you do here than our brother and sister organizations that use more modern arms. If you do something, at this Conference, that impacts even a few hunters, sport shooters or legal firearms owners, you do it to all of us.

Mr. President, I would very much endorse the idea that this Conference needs to formally acknowledge the legitimacy of hunting, sport shooting activities and legal firearms ownership. Thank you.
All reports

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