
Friday, October 16, 2009

ADK Safari club signs on NYB/NYSMLA proposal

On Thu, 10/15/09, George Franke wrote:

Subject: To: "Gary Socola NYB",
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 11:30 PM

I am please to tell you both that I brought your proposals to our membership at tonights meeting and the membership of the Adirondack-Catskill Chapter of Safari Club International are happy to be behind you guys and support your deer season changes proposal. You're welcome to use my name and ACSCI in your lobbying efforts, as well, please let me know what further we can do at ACSCI to help get these season changes passed.

George Franke Legislative Director, Adirondack-Catskill SCI
Endowment Life Member, National Rifle Assn.Life Member, BASS & NY Bowhunters, Inc.Supporting Member, NYS Outdoor Writers Assn.and a slew of other things...

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