
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Genesee County Federation of Sportsman Clubs Inc

I wish you a Happy Fourth of July.
A great time to remember our Second Amendment.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Sincerely, Glen Adams Secretary Genesee County Federation of Sportsman Clubs Inc.

Genesee County Federation of Sportsman Clubs Inc.
Minutes of
June 30, 2009
Present: Sportsmen’s Coon Hunters Association Inc, Genesee County Fish and Game Protective Association, Oatka Fish and Game Club Inc. Genesee Conservation Foundation Inc, Batavia Rod and Gun Club Inc, Bergen Rod and Gun Club Inc, Western NY Federation of Hunting Dogs,
Guests: SCOPE and NY Bowhunters Inc.
Excused President Larry Allen and Treasurer Angelo Steffenella

Meeting called to order 7:32PM by Vice President Roger Rada

· Motion is made by Bergen Rod and Gun Club Inc (Gil McBroom) and second by Genesee County Fish and Game Protective Association (Paul Wood) to accept the May minutes as distributed. Motion carried.

· Roger requested a vote on the applications for membership of SCOPE and NY Bowhunters to join Genesee County Federation of Sportsman Clubs Inc. The vote was unanimous and Roger Rada extended a welcome to our new members.

Treasurers Report submitted by Angelo Steffenella and read by Roger Rada.

No Further Transactions during the month.
Respectfully Submitted for Audit by Angelo Steffenella Treasurer.

NYSCC resolutions passed out to all along with a vote sheet that is to be turned in by the August meeting so that Ken Alfes and I (Glen Adams) can vote at the fall meeting according to the Federations wishes. Some discussion occurred about the many anti second amendment bills that are tied up in the Senate due to the ongoing power struggle. Some of the good legislation also being tied up is the bill allowing rifle use in Wyoming and other counties.

The Governor has refused to sign any that have passed as not legal. Discussion occurred about how St Lawrence County is having some of the same problems as Genesee County is in that the permits are being allowed only for target and hunting. Self Defense is being denied as a reason of possession by Judges such as Republican Judge Noonan of Genesee County. Discussion came up about his term and how to mount an opposition to depose of him at the next election. As his pistol permit decisions have been anti second amendment.

New Business:
SCOPE President Chris Lane and the new delegate to our Federation Christopher Lamb thanked the Genesee County Federation for allowing them to join our body. They stated that Pistol permits are not given fairly in Genesee County and therefore SCOPE is turning its attention to Genesee County. The ultimate goal is get a law to remove the self defense restriction from Genesee county permits, and pistol permits in general. SCOPE is passing a petition to get 1000 signatures to start their efforts to obtain a law taking it out of the arbitrary discretion of judges such as Noonan.

SCOPE has had feedback that their efforts are beginning to be felt by Noonan and other politician with in Genesee County. SCOPE made their presences known as a recent Republican Fund Raiser. They are trying to get a list of every club that is a member within the Federation and that is supplied to every participating organization within the Federation. SCOPE feels we have 3000 active pistol permit owners within Genesee County and many more that side with those permit holders.

SCOPE feels that the rules as applied within Genesee County are arbitrary and unfair in Genesee County. They will try to get information posted within The Batavia Daily News. Genesee County chapter of SCOPE had gone from 83 to 125 members currently. SCOPE needs as much backing as possible. A suggestion of free initial membership to increase its membership was given. Chris answered that although they would like to do that, the finances of the membership is such that they need the dues to carry out their activities on behalf of Firearm owners. The Genesee county chapter has a core of fifteen members that chair committees and carry out youth activities. Genesee County is trying to build up its membership and an active coalition of workers within the Chapter.

Discussion came up about some of the resolutions passed out. One of them being the UTV and it currently cannot be registered for highway use, but can with a slow moving vehicle sign be used along the road. In some of the Northern counties and the Adirondacks ATV’s can be used if registered and insured on roads marked for ATV’s.

A poll among the Delegates of Genesee County Federation is that the majority do not want Antler restrictions in New York State and Genesee County especially. The only dissenting voice was from Western NY Federation of Hunting Dogs representative Joe Wolak. It was stated that within the area we are note harvesting the amount of does that we need to.

The Habitat Grant awarded to the Western NY Federation of Hunting Dogs for the 25 acre project at Darien Lake State parks. Joe Wolak stated as the project has been trying to go forward a lot of negatives have occurred. After some committed to start plowing for the project they have backed out upon seeing the site or other things.

One of the groups involves pheasants Forever ran into the same situation. The group is working towards a mid August planting for fall. One of the groups that Western NY Federation of Hunting Dogs is working with is Jeffries farms and they have given a proposal and had expected to receive a written response of commitment back by now. As the situation has continued the cost of switch grass seed has risen from $1,200 to $3,500. The group is still trying to accomplish the project. The Jeffries offered a complete package of plowing and planting for $2,200 and the Western NY Federation of Hunting Dogs is awaiting written confirmation. Currently the fall planting would be advisable.

The lot has a lot of golden rod, it was suggested that brush hogging, then spraying may be advisable. The group had decided on Switch grass as two organizations within the coalition of the project require it. The planting should be good for three to five years. Rye which was suggested at this meeting would not have enough stamina for weather conditions. It was mentioned that there other grasses would be within the mix being planted. Western NY Federation of Hunting Dogs requested that the $2500 grant be held for it until such time as they request it. All Genesee County Federation delegates agreed.

NY Bowhunters Inc representative Jody Ferrara expressed his thanks for welcoming the Bowhunters to our federation. He also mentioned that the NY-Bowhunters held a Region 8 camp that was paid for by the bowhunters and is for youth 12 to 16yrs at camp cuttler and will be held again on the last week of June 1010. Jody Ferrara also mentioned some up and coming Hunter ED/bow classes coming up a Munford Rod and Gun Club.

Glen mentioned the class listed below at Oatka and the others were also mentioned.

Genesee08/19/2009• Wed 08/22/2009• Sat 08/24/2009• Mon
Hunter Ed6:00pm-10:00pm 8:00am-12:00pm 6:00pm-9:00pm
Oatka Fish and Game Club, Wilcox Rd., Leroy. You must Pre-register in person at the Leroy Town Clerks office, 48 Main St., Leroy. For more information email You must attend all sessions

Genesee10/01/2009• Thu 10/03/2009• Sat 10/05/2009• Mon
Hunter Ed6:00pm-9:00pm 8:00am-12:00pm 6:00pm-9:00pm
Batavia Rod and Gun Club, 10509 West Bethany Rd., Batavia. You must Pre-register in person at Batavia Marine and Sporting Goods, 411 West Main St., Batavia. For more information email You must attend all sessions

Genesee0 8/05/2009• Wed0 8/07/2009• Fri08/08/2009• Sat
Bowhunter Ed6:00pm-9:00pm6:00pm-9:00pm1:00pm-5:00pm
Leroy High School cafeteria, South Street, Leroy. You must Pre-register in person at the Leroy Town Clerks office at 48 Main St., Leroy. For more information email You must attend all sessions

Ken Alfes mentioned the Genesee County Fish and Game Protective Association at Godfrey’s pond celebrated its 100th anniversary, he stated thank you to all that participated. Stephen Hawley presented a proclamation from the Assembly congratulating the Genesee County Fish and Game Protective Association on 100 years of Conservation.

Representatives of Senator Rathenhoffer office were at the celebration presenting a similar proclamation from the senate. Membership application fee is $150 for the first year and $125 annually for following years, subject to change. These are for Family memberships and quite a few were picked up during the celebrations. The club has rifle ranges of 25, 50 and 100 yards.

Motion to adjourn made by Batavia Rod and Gun Club Inc. (Lou Lang) and Second by the Bergen Rod and Gun Club Inc. (Gil McBroom). Motion carried.

Next meetings:
July 28th 7:30 PM at Alabama Hunt Club Inc. Lewiston Rd, Alabama NY
August 25th 7:30 PM at Sportsman Coon Hunters Association, Hopkins Rd, Batavia, NY
September 29th 7:30 PM Bergen Rod and Gun Club, Route 19, Bergen NY
October 27th 7:30 PM at Oatka Fish and Game Club Inc. Wilcox Rd, LeRoy, NY
November 24th 7:30 PM at Genesee County Fish & Game Protective Association at Godfrey’s Pond Stafford, NY.
December NO meeting.

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