
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

UPDATE--Albany Trip April 29--UPDATE

I've gotten confirmation that the legislative session on the 29th will start around 11am-11:30am. Usually there are announcements and introductions of visitors and that can take up to an hour sometimes. After that they go right in to the bills and the debate and vote.

Make sure you arrive in time to get through security and get to the legislative chambers and upper gallery. If you come through security via the concourse the LOB is to the left and the Capitol building is to the right down a long hallway & up the escalator. Once you get to the Capitol you can get directions to the Legislative chambers and the upper gallery.

If you get there earlier you should visit your legislators office (making an appointment in advance is preferable) and leave your card or maybe a copy of the SCOPE Legislative Report which will have our position on the bills for them.

The New Yorkers Against Gun Violence will most likely have a dog and pony show set up in the lobby of the LOB so you may want to take a look at what they have. Remember, we don't want any confrontations with anyone for any reason. The press will be there and we will be held to a higher standard than the other side.

All indications I am getting are pointing to a very good turnout of gun owners! This could be a very important event, don't be left out, come and be a part of it.

Ken Mathison, President

1 comment:

  1. Subject: [SCOPEny] Gun Bill Day

    The following is the list of bills that will be on the floor for debate and vote on April 29.

    A.801-A Renewable Pistol License
    A.1093 Dealer Restrictions
    A.1326 Child Operated Firearms
    A.2881 Ammo Ban
    A.2882-A CoBIS Expansion
    A.3076-A Safety Training for Pistol License
    A.3211-A 50 Caliber Ban
    A.5078 Prohibit Guns resembling toys
    A.5844 Mandatory Gun Storage
    A.5696-A Background Checks for Gun Dealer employees
    A.6157 Assault Weapon Ban
    A.6468 Microstamping
    A.7574 Pawn Shop gun storage
    A.7575 Relates to Domestic Violence

    You can view the complete text of these bills through the Assembly website

    http://assembly. state.ny. us/leg/

    Ken Mathison, President
    SCOPE, Inc.


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