
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First fallout of NY anti gun legislation

First fallout of NY anti gun legislation

One of my shooting partner’s works at Wal-Mart in the sporting goods department just called me tonight; he has been monitoring ammo stock and supplies since last November. He did inventory last week, actually he was talking to me on the phone while finishing up. He reported that the majority of cartridge ammo was out of stock and on backorder at the warehouse as of last week. Today he was told to limit sales to 6 boxes of ammo at a time & the store was not going to restock till they saw what NY was going to do.
I spoke to a customer of mine in Maine Saturday and he reported ammo sales are being held at 2 boxes per person in most stores. This is the same story I’ve been told by several people in various states. Hodgdon powder shipments were late and at one wholesale house the order was 1,300 pounds short. I’ve had brass on backorder since last fall~ & not just the Military fodder this is hunting brass in all flavors. In Pa. last week at a gun show near Pittsburgh another person I know said as he pulled up to the show there were 25-30 different law enforcement vehicles parked around the lot. So he figures, “oh crap” what’s up now! Low and behold cops in uniform were at the show in force “not to harass” but were buying ammo for themselves, by the case lot.
With all the budget cuts and Departmental of Environmental Conservation issues anyone with half a brain could have looked at past issues and seen what was happening.
This was not a vote for public safety; it was a vote of personal agenda.
Yesterday the New York legislature just threw gun owners and sportsmen under the bus twice in one week. Once by changing the legislative gun bill day and again by passing these BS bills.

Do ya think they, sportsmen that is; will remember how they got screwed next election cycle~

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