
Thursday, March 19, 2009

DEC License fee update

Current License Fee proposal

Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 3:57 PM

Please note that there are a few modest changes to the fees from what you have seen. The Division of Budget wanted some including the restoration of free
licenses to the blind. As a result of a increase in revenue our projection of the ability of the fund to remain in the black is increased by one year to fy
It is important that you express your support as soon as possible in a letter to the Commissioner with a copy faxed to me at 518-402 5407. E-mail
copies of letters of support to me at Other groups will be notified by e-mail after I hear from Harold and Charley and get their
letters of support. Next week I will be available to work with you to inform the legislature about this proposal.

>>> Doug Stang 3/13/2009 3:35 PM >>>
Attached are the current license fee proposal chart, the projected revenues and a draft of the bill to implement the proposal. The Conservation Fund Advisory
Board and the President of the New York State Conservation Council have been briefed on this latest proposal and support it.

Changes to the most recent CFAB proposal include:

- $10 fee for all Deer Management Permit applicants (exempted from the fee are lifetime sportsman, junior hunting, and junior bowhunting license holders)
[Note: CFAB proposal had $5 fee or $10 fee for each permit applied for depending on type of license held]

- no fee for Blind anglers [Note: CFAB proposal has a $5 fee]

- establishment of a Trapper super sportsman license [Note: this is a specific request from CFAB member]

- $5 fee for Senior bowhunting stamp and $5 fee for Senior muzzleloading stamp [Note: there was no cost for these stamps in the CFAB proposal]
This proposal allows for the elimination of the trout/salmon stamp proposal and the transfer of revenues from the recreational marine license to the Marine
Account of Conservation Fund.

The proposed fee schedule should keep the Conservation Fund out of deficit into SFY 2012-13, provided there is not additional off-loading of costs onto the Conservation Fund main account.

Douglas Stang Assistant Director
Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
New York State Dept. Environmental Conservation

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