
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

DEC License Fee Increase proposals

Updated Feb. 20, 09 see link at bottom of article.
Subject: DEC License Fee Increase proposals To:
Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 8:59 PM

I attended a meeting this afternoon with DEC Commissioner Grannis and a herd of other reps from sportsman groups to discuss the budget shortage in the Conservation Fund (CF) and the various proposals on what to do.Attached you find the proposal from the CFAB (Conservation Fund Advisory Board) on license fee increases which are almost a given.
CFAB Proposal
The deal is that the proposed "Stamps" for various types of wildlife would be dropped in lieu of the fee increase.This is projected to clear up two years of Fund deficits and cover the next two years of projected operating costs.The only variable may be the "SALT WATER" license that seems to be inevitable and if implemented would add to the CF coffers.

Also in two years the "Baby Boomers" will be reaching that discount age and additional work has be done to address the shrinking revenue as a result.

Stay tuned and voice your opinion with your local groups/organizations.

Eric "GRIZ" Bratt NYS Muzzleloaders Assoc.

http://DEC Presentation

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