
Friday, February 20, 2009

2007-2008 Expenditures for the Conservation Fund (main account)

I have 3 new files from the DEC , one is a slide presentation and I'll upload that tomorrow on my blog. BPB
OK, as I told ya last night here are the files. You'll notice the text below is one of them.
2007 2008 Conservation Fund expenses.pdf

CF Expenditures

Conservation Fund 2007.ppt presentation

2007-2008 Expenditures for the Conservation Fund (main account)

Division of Law Enforcement
Environmental Conservation Officer staff costs $14,967,915.61
Law Enforcement Dispatchers $21,825.14
Environmental Conservation Officers Academy $161,130.02
Environmental Conservation Officers supplies and contracts $942,414.60
Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources

DFWMR staff costs $20,723,804.21
Director's office travel, supplies, contracts $43,779.23
DECALS contract $1,800,000.00
Promote, administer and sell sporting licenses and habitat stamp $28,294.00
Issue deer management permits (outside of DECALS) $23.73
Expenditures for Conservation Fund Advisory Board members and meetings $20,806.50
Fish and Wildlife Management Board meetings $35,672.64
Bureau of Fish and Wildlife Services

DFWMR-wide vehicle charges, Central office supplies $497,472.15
Administer and sell special licenses $16,646.46
Investigation of wildlife mortality, pathology of wildlife anomalies $64,269.13
Operation and maintenance of Wildlife Resources Center $19,895.78

Bureau of Fisheries
Central Office oversight for fisheries program; statewide fisheries vehicle costs; fish pathology contract $474,566.04
Central Office oversight for statewide habitat protection programs $52,465.01
Central Office oversight for statewide wildlife programs $379,726.50
Control of sea lamprey in Lake Champlain $329.16
Coordination and administration of Great Lakes fisheries programs $6,589.79
Coordination and administration of statewide coldwater fisheries programs $8,739.09
Coordination and administration of statewide inland fisheries programs $7,540.83
Coordination and administration of statewide warmwater / coolwater fisheries programs $3,688.49

I FISH NY; fishing brochures; production of fishing regulations guide $127,588.01
Rearing and distribution of hatchery fish; operation of fish hatcheries $1,494,878.47
Supplies, materials, travel and equipment for Regional Fisheries staff $215,851.36
Temporary Service for Bureau of Fisheries $327,245.82
Travel and supplies for Salmon River Coordinator $3,887.51

Bureau of Habitat
Assistance with toxicants in fish tissue project $6,225.43
Development of watershed-based fisheries, wildlife, and habitat management efforts $16,799.61
Maintenance of Hale Creek Field Station and Central Office oversight of habitat protection programs $152,989.52
Supplies, materials, travel and equipment for Regional staff efforts - stream and wetland protection $33,053.47
Bureau of Wildlife
Bureau of Wildlife fiscal management; oversight for Habitat Inventory Unit $48,264.86
Central office oversight for wildlife program $35,119.09
Construction of new access sites $574.58
Monitoring and restoration of endangered species - Region 6 $9,266.17
Rearing and distribution of pheasants; operation of Reynolds Game Farm $252,175.16
State funds used to match North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) projects $20,576.11
Statewide coordination of game bird, game mammal, and nuisance wildlife programs $292,341.37
Statewide coordination of non-game wildlife programs $76,941.37
Supplies, materials, travel and equipment for Regional Wildlife staff $217,383.74
Surveillance of deer for presence of chronic wasting disease $1,052,753.43

Division of Operations
Division of Operaitons supplies, contracts, and travel in support of the fish and wildlife programs $1,897,299.94
Division of Operations - regional staff expenditures $962,619.17
Salaries for DEC's Bureau of Electronics staff $97,370.86
Other DEC support for fish, wildlife and marine resources programs
Salary and indirect for Regional Attorney $86,297.78
Contracts and supplies for Division of Information Systems $980,035.62
Salaries, contracts, supplies and travel for Division of Management and Budget staff $1,243,004.15
Salaries for staff in Division of Public Affairs and Education $254,776.35
Salaries for non-DFWMR regional staff $315,699.15

Return-A-Gift to Wildlife funded
Administer Project WILD $56,226.14
Development of reptiles and amphibians atlas $9,328.17
Development of updated breeding bird atlas $32,592.60
Natural Heritage program efforts to document and monitor rare species and communities $400,000.00
Management of Master Habitat Databank $14,828.12

TOTAL $51,011,587.24

This cyber copy made possible by BlackPowderBill

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