
Friday, December 19, 2008

NY Pheasant program gone

Sportsmen swindled by DEC and antis

Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 4:26 PM
Subject: Game farm info
I asked DEC spokesman Yancy Roy today what would be the fate of the stocking program now that the game farm is closing. Here is his answer. I guess that's that. It was fun while it lasted.

Jeff Hope this statement helps:

The closure of the farm reflects the end of the pheasant stocking program, not a shift to alternative sources of birds. A final decision has not been made as to usage of the facility going forward.

The alternative was for NY to open a dove season, as Fed Neff of the Syracuse area has been lobbying for years to do.

Any loss of hunting,fishing,trapping and/or animal use by humans always makes them happy. bpb

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