
Friday, November 7, 2008

Maine Lynx court date

This just sent by Skip Trask

Good evening trappers -

Hope your season is going well. I just received word that Judge Woodcock has scheduled oral arguments on the plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction in the lynx related lawsuit for this coming Monday, November 10th, at 1:00 PM, at the federal courthouse in Bangor.

As I'm sure you remember, the preliminary injunction motion submitted by the plaintiffs (WAM and AWI) would essentially end all land trapping in the Wildlife Management Districts frequented by lynx (WMDs 1 through 11 and 18).

The judge's decision could effect the remainder of the current trapping season. I know that this is a bad time of year to try to get trappers to travel to Bangor for a hearing, but our attorneys believe it would be helpful to our case if we could have some trappers in attendance.

Dana Johnson and I will both be there. It would be great if at least some of you could be there as well. There's a lot at stake! For those of you who plan to attend, please let me know by email at your earliest convenience so I can give our attorneys some idea of what to expect for a turnout. (Security is usually pretty tight at the courthouse, so you'll want to get there an hour or so before the hearing is scheduled to begin).

Thanks. Skip

bpb note, I read today that the USFW has a notice about lynx in Colorado.

Regards BPB

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