
Sunday, October 26, 2008

SCOPE Candidate Ratings

The SCOPE Candidate Ratings have been updated and can be seen at our website
http://scopeny. org/ARCHIVES/ SCOPE_Candidate_ Ratings_2008. pdf
Specifically, the 29th Congressional District Democrat Party candidate Eric Massa has been changed to a (?).
Mr. Massa was recently endorsed by the anti gun American Hunters and Shooters Association and requests to his office for the questionaire he surely had to fill out to get this endorsement have gone unanswered. Additionally, Mr. Massa who joined SCOPE last year has failed to renew his membership. These two actions together suggest Mr. Massa is less than sincere in his support for our Second Amendment rights.

Please, forward this information far and wide.

Ken Mathison, President

SCOPE, IncSCOPEny eGroup RKBA Discussion List:
SCOPE - Shooters' Committee On Political Education:• 2nd Amendment - the one that protects all others •

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