
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 ~In The Races

In The Races
Democratic candidates in WNY congressional race piling up cash
Campaign finance reports filed this week for the 26th Congressional District showed that Democratic candidates Jack Davis and Jon Powers have each raised over a million dollars since the beginning of their campaigns. A third Democrat, Alice Kryzan, has raised approximately $287,000. The three candidates hope to challenge Republican Chris Lee in the open seat being vacated by longtime congressman Tom Reynolds.

21st Congressional District candidate debate
Four of the five Democratic candidates seeking to fill the vacancy left by U.S. Rep. Michael McNulty participated in a debate this week in Delmar, NY. Tracey Brooks, Paul Tonko, Darius Shahinfar and Phil Steck sparred over issues such as energy and government spending. The primary elections for both parties will be on Tuesday, September 9.

McMahon opens campaign headquarters
Democratic NYC Councilman Michael McMahon officially opened his campaign headquarters this week. McMahon is seeking to replace outgoing Congressman Vito Fosella in the 13th Congressional Distict of Staten Island. Former Assemblyman Robert Straniere is the Republican nominated candidate.

Golisano led group makes endorsements
This week a PAC called “Responsible New York” led by billionaire businessman Tom Golisano, made thirty-nine endorsements in state Senate races. Golisano has stated that his committee is willing to spend upwards of $5 million in support of these candidates in this fall’s elections. These endorsements and the potential financial funding that comes with them are being closely watched as the Republican majority in the state Senate is down to 32-30 and a one seat swing would shift power to the Democrats.

From Steven Alstead

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