
Saturday, August 9, 2008

New York Senate special session

Senate in Albany for special session

New York State Senators were in Albany on Friday, August 8, holding a special summer session. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Center) was expected to bring Governor Paterson’s plan for a property tax cap to the floor of the chamber for a vote.
NYSAR supports the governor’s property tax plan, which would cap the growth of school property tax levies at four percent a year or 120 percent of the consumer price index.

The Assembly will not join the Senate in Albany today and a spokesperson for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says the speaker is open to the idea of a property tax cap, but does not want it to come at the expense of shortchanging schools and children out of needed funding. The Assembly and Senate will both return to Albany on August 19 for an “emergency economic session” called by Governor Paterson.


Regards BPB

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