
Saturday, August 9, 2008

New York & NICS mental health reporting

Not a good deal for thousands of peopl ewho will have their lives turned inside out by the social service nannies.

Relates to transmission of data relating to the possession and acquisition of afirearm; relates to the collection, retention or modification of records or thetransmital of such data or records to the division of criminal justice servicesfor the purposes of responding to criminal background check queries.
The State of New York has a strong interest in reducing gun violencein this state. It also must ensure that those law-abiding citizenswishing to purchase guns can do so. The protections set forth in thisbill will enhance law-enforcement efforts to reduce gun violence,without infringing on the rights of legitimate gun owners.

BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: This bill will help New York State comply fully with the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, and thereby avoid the possible future loss of federal funding. DOH and OMRDD will incur some costs in implementing the NICS improvements, but some of these costs will be offset if the State qualifies for and receives any federal grants provided for in the NICS Improvement Amendments Act, if Congress appropriates money for this grant program.

EFFECTIVE DATE: This bill would become effective on November 1, 2008.

You all see the ca$h incentive for giving the feds your supposed private health information.

Regards, BPB

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