
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Clorox & Sierra Club marriage not approved by some

Are any of you starting to see a pattern here? This new green movement and ECO outfits who kiss up to corporations. Do you think this is a way for those greenies in leadership roles to advance their goals or the associations goals?
What better way to work the system to your advantage. LOL
This is funny stuff here people, Sierra Club leaders quit and months later they announce their leaving.

Regards BPB

* "Deal With Clorox Sparks Sierra Club Feud":"TRAVERSE CITY, Mich.:
The Clorox Co., targeted by activists for emitting pollution, has a new partner: the Sierra Club.The environmental group, better known for suing corporations than forging alliances with them, has agreed to promote a new line of eco-friendly Clorox products in exchange for a share of the profits.

Some Sierra Club chapters are crying foul, and officers in northern Michigan even quit over the deal.'They sold their soul to the highest bidder,' said Monica Evans, who helped reactivate the club's nine-county Traverse Group in 2000. She and the group's other five executive committee members resigned in May but only recently made their decision public.The walkout highlights the passionate debate among members of the Sierra Club over the partnership with Clorox, named one of a 'dangerous dozen' chemical companies by the Public Interest Research Group in 2004."

The Associated Press story ran in the International Herald Tribune July 16, 2008.


  1. I'm not sure what you're driving at. The Traverse Group quit in May - it just so happens that no one in the media was interested until July. And yes, apparently those leaders' goals WERE different the association's goals. So what's so funny?

  2. On behalf of Green Works we would like to share the following letter to the editor that ran in today’s Traverse City Record-Eagle:


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