
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wegmans & the Missing magazines

Over the past week or so I've received calls and emails about firearm themed magazines being missing from the shelves of Wegmans stores. I checked a couple of stores myself and indeed all firearm themed mags were gone from the shelves.

I called Wegmans Consumer Service office today and talked to Consumer Service Specialist Barb who told me that the magazines had been removed for a sales analysis and the top eight sellers would be returning to the shelves within a couple of weeks. The top eight sellers that will be returning are:Handloader Shotgun News Guns and Ammo Shooting Times Guns and Ammo $7.99 edition Guns and Weapons Guns American Handgunner
Barb indicated to me that if they get enough calls on other titles they will return them to the shelves on a case by case basis.

Barb was concerned that we not see this as a censorship attempt but just a sales issue and that they have been doing the same sales analysis in many categories throughout the store.
I'm convinced that Wegmans intended no censorship and that they will return these mags to the shelves soon.

Ken Mathison, President

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