
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Canada Lynx USFW to issue new report in July

The battle rages between trappers and the antis over who is responsible to obtain a ITP= incidental take permit. This ITP will allow trappers to use their tools in normal manners while allowing the state DNR's and Feds to set aside critical habitat.
So far I've yet to discover a ITP or conservation plan listed on the USFW web site.

Anyway, you look at it sportsmen are behind the wheel pretending to drive the actions and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars waiting to get screwed like Maine did.
Maine got such a great deal that in less than 3 months the antis came back and claimed trappers took 6 or 8 lynx, all released unharmed so we were told.
But the antis are not satisfied with the deal they agreed to last fall 2007.

Here is a short version of the new process. Please notice it is dated May 2, 2008

Shawn Sartorius 406-449-5225 ext 208
Diane Katzenberger 303-236-4578
EA 08- 44
Service to Provide Additional Opportunity to Comment on Proposal to Revise Critical Habitat for the Canada Lynx in July 2008
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expects to release by July 2008 a draft economic analysis that will estimate the potential costs for conservation actions associated with the proposal to revise the amount of critical habitat designated under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for the federally threatened Canada lynx. At that time, the Service will also reopen the public comment period on the proposed revised critical habitat rule. The new 30-day comment period will give interested parties an opportunity to comment on the draft economic analysis as well as provide information pertinent to the critical habitat proposal.
Public hearings requested during the initial public comment period will be conducted during the reopened public comment period. The dates, times, and places of those hearings will be announced in the Federal Register and local newspapers at least 15 days before the first hearing.

In total, the Service is proposing to designate approximately 42,753 square miles of habitat in portions of northern Maine, northeastern Minnesota, the Northern Rocky Mountains (northwestern Montana and northeastern Idaho), the Northern Cascades (north-central Washington), and the Greater Yellowstone Area (southwestern Montana and northwestern Wyoming).
Last updated: May 2, 2008


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